RTE Correspondents



He’s irreplaceable @Bandage


You wouldn’t get out of bed for that money, much less move lock stock and barrel to Washington

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Salary ranges from €66k (young woman) to €90k (old man).

I’d imagine there is a serious relocation allowance.

Didn’t Eddie Hobbs buy 3 or 4 brownstones in an affluent part of Georgetown when things were going middling. He was into the AirBnB thingy then. Maybe I’m mixing cities up here……

I’d say rent would be paid for too , you wouldn’t be digging into the 66k to 90k too often I’d say

Sorry - I stopped reading after ‘Eddie Hobbs’.


Noted. I take it he’s on the same list as your local Councillor, the comedienne’s monther and assorted others. Maybe a new thread…….

Has Donie applied?

shite in all fairness

Local councillor slightly further down the list.

Hard to believe Charlie Bird moved over there for that money.

He was on way more due to the increments he built up over the years.

He could be the new Vincent Hanley

there’d be a living abroad allowance as well, in or around 2.5/.35k per month

Maybe Catriona Perry will get another shot at it?

No chance they’d send Boucher Hayes over and leave him there? (For good)

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Lottie Ryan will get that gig.


I hear Eddie running adds on the radio now warning about the dangers of inflation eroding your cash. No one knows better how to erode a clients cash than Eddie i suppose