
I’ve seen this first hand. I’ve worked in larger universities whereby you wouldn’t know the students’ names and in IoTs, where you know them all and various issues (they’ll tell you if they split up with their partner, have troubles at home, have mental health issues). Have had a number of students with ASD in past few years. Usually it’s pretty obvious, but there was one lad last year and I didn’t pick it up, and he was driving me demented one day, so I left the room for a few minutes before losing my cool. Popped into the office, looked up his file, and then it all made sense. Third level is difficult enough as it is, but for students on the spectrum, it’s very challenging. Glad to hear you got the support.

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I didn’t finish it, law wrecked my head. But after a few years consideration and thought I’m gonna start a course I like the look of with Pitman Training and see from there. Now that I have the answers it wouldn’t be too bad. ITC were fantastically professional and considerate.

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Lets see the woke blindboy cunt weasel his way out of this, if the allegations against brand are in fact true

Mr Chrome is doing some interesting stuff


Unfuckingbelievable! Utter genius

Very talented dude.

Watched the full video there. Mental

Very good though. Even if i wasn’t expecting the Turkish and King Kong interludes. His hair transplant :smiley:

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Another Bobby Fingers odyssey