The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

All the Leinster lads patting Munster on the head here now, like Kilkenny after the ‘07 and ‘08 finals against Limerick and Waterford.

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Van Graan not good enough either?

At this stage you’d have to say no

Not much sign of Larkham’s moves in the backline either today.

Have seen his influence all season IMO… But the buck stops with the boss when you change your approach in a final. Kicking for goal with those 50/50 pens in windy conditions was odd when they had been making good ground off lineout maul…and had been kicking pens to corner all season… Why change now?

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6 months later what has changed? Some cracking young players, played some decent rugby during the year. Yet shit the pant (no semi this year) and redort to type… Same again for European cup and rainbow cup I guess.

Saffer bluffer of a coach has to go. Better squad than ever and still no discernible game plan when it matters.

We need a proper 7. All the best teams who win stuff have an out and out 7. Stop with this shifting fellas thinking all backrows play same functiin.

Beirne 6, Coombes to 8, fuck a ball of money at Penney or Connors to come down and play 7.

Fuck Murray off and stick with Craig at 9. He’ll make errors but he’ll be there for a decade. Carberry off today but nothing to worry about.

Find a fucking proper centre to partner Dellande.

Find a hooker from somewhere.

Trust in our young guys coming through. I’d have rather take a pasting today with younger guys from the province than what was served up. We’ve serious talent, they need to be blooded consistently

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Me too

DDA was v disappointing today. Farrell isn’t up to it at all and the fucking size of him

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Patently obvious not at races and being targeted and zero change from management. Same with halves gone missing. Don’t change until 70th min

Has to be held accountable. Thanks Van Grahn, appreciate you trying, here’s a weekend in Trabolgan for yourself and missus, now fuck off.

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Can’t understand this at all out if them. Fuck all territory, fuck all.possession. Get chance to put some pressure on the cunts and don’t do the one thing we probably do better than them??

Tbf, their backrow were fucking brilliant in 2nd half. Anyone who s thought Conan isn’t up to it was proven well.wrong today. His 2nd hd he grew and grew. VDF did what you want your 7 to do, nuisance, slowing ball, option in the loose. And ruddock main of the match for me


A poor mans Rassie Erasmus.

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He’s some athlete that fella. He could play 4,5, 6 or 8. Try he scored at the 20s world cup against NZ was.sometbing else. He played 6 that day

No mate. I think we can be pretty sure that the style of rugby Munster play was nowhere near the reasons for the 1916 Rising or the ensuing deaths.

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Leinster are an outstanding side.
The End

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Pro14 is a shocking competition. The saffers might add something more than just money

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Will be overshadowed by the soccer but Munster were shocking today.

They are very good and we will see how they do in the Beer Cup

An outstanding side would have put at least 30 points on Munster last night .


They wouldn’t. Munster are a very good side also at full strength.

Rob Penney’s style might work now with Beirne, Tom Ahern and Wycherly on the wing instead of POC and DOC.