Rugby - June 2016 End of season meaningless friendlies

Just switched over there after the racing ended, how the fuck did Oireland throw that away?

Lack of Oxygen.

Lack of oxygen brought on choking?

Still, it saves us worrying about Doddery this weekend

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Do you normally get this surprised when you start a conversation with someone and they respond back to you?

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Correct & right.

We never stood a fighting chance.

Despite being 19-3 ahead at half time and 26-10 ahead with 20 mins left?


I know you’re a bit slow Mac but this genuinely something. Previously you engaged with me talking about Jaime Heaslip’s rugby ability and were singing the praises of Duane Vermeulen. I thought considering you tried to put up the facade up knowing about rugby football (except when you’re trying to impress your other board chums and slagging rugby football), that you would be taking in this fixture.

It’s quite simple really Mac. Since then you’ve hung around this thread looking to slag Heaslip and Irish rugby football, after you claimed that you didn’t have an interest, such is your seethe. The only thing sadder than that is spending your day watching horses run around a track.

They turned off our Oxygen, @Mac.

The quota system went out the window to when the shit hit the fan and they got all their voertrekkers onto the field.

Altitude pal. To give it some Eire soccer context, it was akin to facing Mexico at midday in 100 degree Floridian mid summer heat and humidity just a week after beating Italy. It will be a more level playing field back at sea level in Port Elizabeth next week.

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We have an injury depleted side and are 1-1 in a series vs. South Africa, at the end of a long RWC season. The partitionist Irish association football team despite having all their players available bar two, just humiliated themselves again.

I am very happy with our position going into the 3rd Test.

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South Africa have over 20 injured test players. We conceded 29 points in the 2nd half after going in 16 points up at half time. That’s a Geoffrey job if ever there was one whatever way you dress it up.

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Wasn’t having a pop Tim, just wondering how Oireland managed to implode so spectacularly. Though it was curtains when Heaslip scored.

You’re all over the place buddy. I hardly would have talked about Vermulen or whatever his name is as I’d never heard of him before today. And how could I be hanging around this thread that was only created a few weeks ago and I haven’t posted in before today?

The only thing more laughable thing is yourself and @GeoffreyBoycott bringing the soccer team up at the mere question of why the rugby team choked. The level of seething on display is off the hook, off the chain.

Name them

You never heard of him yet we’re discussing the best number 8s in the world with me Mac? That really is quite something. You’ll go to any lengths for an argument but your lack of knowledge always shows you up in the end.

People who go on about “choking” show themselves up as truly retarded. What would you call Ireland defending the line last weekend and bundling JPP into touch with the try line beckoning?

No, simply put the Irish team were gassed with the altitude. The knowledgable posters in here pointed that out far away from full time.


I will in my bollox.

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Ireland wouldn’t be too far of that number either. Straight off the top of my head Luke Fitzgerald, Cian Healy, Darren Cave, Denis Buckley, Nathan White, Mike McCarthy, Josh van der Flier, Peter O’Mahony, Sean O’Brien, Tommy Bowe, Andrew Conway, Simon Zebo, Rob Kearney, Dave Kearney and Chris Henry all absent from this tour. CJ Stander unavailable for today as well due to suspension.

Throw up your list of 20 South African absentees.

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Fairly sure I said Heaslip was overrated and I asked you to explain the key role of a number 8. You couldn’t so as usual deflected away about something else that I didn’t bother reading about as it was clear you were spoofing away like you often do.

And trying to say a team who blows a 16 point lead with 20 mins left and ends up losing by 6 as not choking is laughable. What happened in another game is irrelevant but again, you’ll do that to deflect away from you being shown up again.