Rugby - June 2016 End of season meaningless friendlies


Just proving my point pal. Roaster fast food joint endorsed by a semi refined roaster rugby footballer. Who would have thought it 15 years ago, it’s a new Ireland.

Semi refined?

I think he meant semi retired.

Semi house trained. Maybe.

He’s cut down on his trips down the M9 from being daily to just once a week.

Semi refined Sean here a few minutes after that burger.

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Oh once he goes home all bets are off.

Miriams daughter will finish the refining on him. Finish it good and proper.

No doubt, a good Alex girl.

She’ll set him right, and she has the hockey stick to sort him out should it be needed.

The team has been announced for Saturday’s series decider in Port Elizabeth. Jared Payne is out injured and replaced by Tiernan O’Halloran at full back. Keith Earls replaces Craig Gilroy and CJ Stander is restored to the back row after his one game suspension.

Starting XV: T O’Halloran; A Trimble, L Marshall, S Olding, K Earls; P Jackson, C Murray; J McGrath, R Best, M Ross; I Henderson, D Toner; CJ Stander, J Murphy, J Heaslip.

Replacements: S Cronin, F Bealham, T Furlong, U Dillane, R Ruddock, E Reddan, I Madigan, M Healy.

The amount of rotation and changes Schmidt has made on this Tour is unreal considering the injuries we had coming over. He’s developed a very strong 25 core of players he can go to and will be competitive.

FORMER England star Frank Worthington may have developed Alzheimer’s disease after years of heading old-style footballs, his family revealed.

Worthington, 67 – one of football’s great mavericks from the Seventies – has been suffering with the condition for several years.

The Leicester City star’s daughter Kim-Malou, 42, believes his Alzheimer’s may have been brought on by damage to the brain from heading heavy leather footballs.

Last month it was revealed that three members of England’s 1966 World Cup winning team – Martin Peters, Ray Wilson and Nobby Stiles – have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, while Jack Charlton also told how he suffers from severe memory loss.

In 2002 former England striker Jeff Astle died from brain trauma which a coroner ruled was caused by heading heavy leather balls.

A charity set up by Mr Astle’s family warned that more than 300 former professional footballers have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and thousands more may have brain damage.

Kim-Malou said: “Frank Worthington has Alzheimer’s… they say several footballers from my dad’s era have suffered the same disease, possibly due to the constant heading of the heavy football back in the day.”

The Football Association wants world football’s governing body Fifa to investigate dementia as a consequence of playing the game. Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia.

Halifax-born Worthington, who lives with his wife Carol in Huddersfi eld, was a flamboyant striker with a deadly left foot.

He played eight games and scored two goals for his country and during a career spanning 26 years he played for several clubs, making more than 200 appearances for Leicester.

He also had spells at Bolton and Birmingham City and in the US for Philadelphia Fury and Tampa Bay Rowdies.

40 years ago-ffs

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Rugby football has a long way to go until it catches association football for the number of deaths at grounds.

there are hundreds of thousands more foot ball games played every week mate, id say rugby is ahead when you pro rata it

its still puke rugby mate, no matter how many changes he makes. its the only way he thinks we can win (the pukey way) and he is right.

Joke shop call.