Rugby - June 2016 End of season meaningless friendlies

The dark cloud over Irish rugby at the moment is the future of Schmidt. It would be an awful pity if he went back to NZ two years before the World Cup. Very understandable but a pity professionally for him.

I dread Andy Farrell being head coach. He is evidently an excellent mind for the game and coaches the hell out of a defense but his movement into selection and attack with England was a disaster.

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What a clamping

Who has an issue with people supporting Celtic?

Whoā€™s in the frame to replace Schmidt if he does go back to New Zealand next year. Mark McCall, Conor Oā€™Shea, Pat Lam?

Iā€™d say they will go internally. Easterby & Farrell have head coaching experience. Given they attracted Farrell over I have a bad feeling that heā€™s been given promises if Schmidt leaves.

Lam might be an outsider. The other two are totally outside the IRFU orbit now. I wouldnā€™t mind McCall at all though.

McCall the best of all those options really. Lam could be great but appears his style needs large tracts of training time to implement

I do like a nice pun so kudos for that.

There are enough differences between soccer and rugby for me to justify not liking one very much and being very tolerant of the other. To be honest thereā€™s enough soccer that one can pick and choose what to watch - I donā€™t watch much EPL, again Iā€™m sort of bored by the over-saturation.

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Nearly all soccer games that I attend are in Ireland. Using this year as an example I would say I will attend approximately 60 soccer matches. Iā€™ve extrapolated that forward based on a reasonable estimate of attendance at approximately 30 soccer matches in the 6 months to 30 June 2016.


Erzurum Province, in the east of the country. Rocko was the best Rugby player in the whole of Oltu district.

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Well done, you must really love soccer.

Having watched the fare served up the blue chip team of Eire soccer in Bordeaux on Sunday, thatā€™s some existence attending close to 60 soccer matches a year in Eire. Is that some sort of alternative Lough Derg repentance programme youā€™re subjecting yourself to?

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Do you have a local club you go to watch? Thatā€™s a lot of games. Fair play. Id go to a similar no of games mainly nondescript local fare however just to do a hit of roaring and shouting and meet the neighbours

I love watching local soccer, Iā€™ve a particular penchant for lower league adult stuff, Iā€™d often bring the kids to the playground in Shelbourne park in Limerick on a Sunday morning to catch a bit of football, at the back of my mind Iā€™m probably hoping that someone will be short a player and Iā€™ll get the nod, havenā€™t played on grass in 6 or 7 years and think I could still do a job. :flushed:


He plays astro leagues. 60 pa is not unheard of. You could easily attend 52 soccer games annually for example and you can extrapolate that forward by multiplying the number of weeks in a year by the number of astro games per week.


I couldnā€™t believe @Rocko would try to deceive the board like that?

@ChocolateMice plays with Shelbourne B team.

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shelbourne barely have a team, let alone a B side



What in the absolute fuck are you on about? The fact this has likes and fellas sticking up smiley faces tells all you need to know about this place at the minute.

youā€™ve been seriously clamped right there