Rugby - June 2016 End of season meaningless friendlies

And we still lead. Come on Paddy…

Jackson has been immense today. The Number 10 jersey is secure.

Big kick here.

Atmosphere of a snooker Hall.

Unreal, unbelievable

Ah fuck.

Oh ffs


Fuckety fuck.


Shit in togs

Dangerous tackle on Earls there, no arms used.

Paddy :see_no_evil:

Fucksake ref

Murray has been excellent, some tackle count.

Fuckme but this is a gutsy performance. It’s not perfect but they are fronting up.

Murray again.

Fucking unrale stuff. :clap:

Ireland have been destroying them at the breakdown, incredible stuff

Jackson is losing the plot :scream:

Can’t keep kicking it back to them.

Murray MOTM regardless of the result. Best in the World right now.