Rugby - June 2016 End of season meaningless friendlies

We have no one to come on for Jackson.
It could kill us

Murray again :clap::clap:

Come on Paddy, finish these cunts off.


Nerves of steel from Paddy Jackson.

To quote an old favourite from GT, Paddy Jackson is so cool he pisses ice cubes

Score, lads?

Payne’s performance at FB means Kearney can hang up those boots now.

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26-20 to Ireland

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3 mins left.

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Knock on SA.

This is turning out to be a very special day for Irish sport.


Wexford’s Tadgh Furlong has made a serious difference since his introduction @Bandage

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Throw up your team player ratings there please @Tim_Riggins

Ah jaysus.

If only our Association football team had half the heart these brave men have. Incredible heart & belief on show here considering the bias on show from the officials.

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Give me a few minutes, I am an emotional wreck right now



What a tackle from Henshaw.

Lads, who won? The Africans of the south or the Britons from the west?

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Your Ma when you fell out of her cave.

All in the hands of the TMO