Rugby World Cup 2015

Good on wales. will england make the last 8 ??? I said no a year ago to @ChocolateMice

Stop dragging me into your rugby shite, I don’t give a fiddlers.


Flower of Scotland far far superior tune to Star Strangled (sic) Banner

Yanks beating the Scotch… hon ta fuck!! Ewe Ess Ayy, Ewe Ess Ayy!!

Wisnae exhpeching thish

Some massive hits from the Yanks, Loads of scotch lads being landed on their holes.

Great stuff from the USA Eagles leading 13-6 at the half. Big Al McGinty I’m sure is in the crowd to support his son.

If the Yanks ever decided to take Rugby seriously, they would dominate the sport.

I am convinced that if you picked a rugby team from NFL players and gave them 6 months full time training at it, they’d win the RWC.

only place theyd struggle for a while is at half backs and maybe the breakdown, their speed and physicality would destroy all bar maybe the islanders who play for new zealand. imagine JJ watt off the edge of the scrum chasing down an out half, hed fucking destroy them. gimps think that because they wear pads they are soft, they come from some of the most dangerous neighbourhoods in the world, imagine their speed and aggressiveness obliterating the few private school d4 batty boys who staff the oirish team. why would they yanks ever bother though, no real money in it

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Long since resigned to whatever England’s fate is at this World Cup. I’ve called Lancaster clueless and not up to the job right from the start since he was appointed.

In fairness, Farrell wasn’t the losing of the game for England last night.

Absolutely, open field play wouldn’t be a contest at all. If they didn’t wear pads and helmets, they’d die, football has violent physicality that rugby doesn’t come near.

NFL players are proper genetic freaks. Sort of lads who would be winning track and field golds if there was money in track and field.

Vernon Davis famously ran 40 yards at 270lbs faster split than Carl Lewis or Ben Johnson. Not quite true but to even be in same vicinity is amazing

Here is sanders v bolt compared
Sanders is arguably faster over 40 yards

This is incredible foot speed

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Fuck it, I’m taking a stab at this:

15 - Patrick Peterson
14 - Julio Jones
13 - Anthony Barr
12 - Marshawn Lynch
11 - Odell Beckham
10 - Tom Brady
9 - Russell Wilson

1 - Aaron Donald
2 - DeMarcus Ware
3 - Terrance Knighton
4 - Travis Kelce
5 - Calvin Johnson
6 - JJ Watt
7 - Luke Kuechly
8 - Rob Gronkowski

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great effort mate, beast mode would get a try on most carries it would never get out. brady a bit slow and lanky, kap maybe? probably go with someone with more upper body strength instead of megatron, put him on the wing instead of julio hed be unbeatable on a crossfield kick

Murray Kinsella :smile: , this guy wouldn’t be outta place on Fota Island.

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The only reason I stuck Brady in there was because of his relatively successful career as a QB pooch kicker, no other reason really, I’d agree that Kaepernick would be a much better option from an athletic perspective.

If Megatron is out on the wing, then Jimmy Graham surely takes the other 2nd row spot.

Have I arrived in a YouTube comments section?

Piss off with your cross code arguments


Best rugby journalist in the country

Apart from Frano of course