Rugby World Cup 2015

A lot of these Romanians don’t look Romanian.

are oireland winning?

The FAI’s landlords are 37-3 up against the country of Timoftes birth in the Rugby union.

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The Irish players are more tanned than the Romanians. :joy:

We’re gonna win this fucking thing :smiley:

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Wait until we meet the big boys, the first 2 matches is equivalent to the Dubs v Leitrim and the Dubs v Carlow,

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Not sure why people expect all Romanians to be swarthy. They’re not all Gypos.

I assume @Mac is kitted out in full rugby regalia and has a car sporting one of those garish rugby car flags.

How many concussions so far in the tournament, lads?

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Won’t make it past the QF mate.
Either flop against the French and get beaten by a cricket score by Kiwis, or beat the French, then a week of insufferable hype before they get caught on the hop by the Argies.
It’s the Oirish Rogbee way


This will be the death of @dodgy_keeper when we win this bad boy


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[quote=“dodgy_keeper, post:556, topic:20980, full:true”]
It’s modern society, pal. Event junkies will lap this shit up. All about being able to tag themselves at Wembley on Facebook. They actually think beating pub teams like Canada and Romania is something to be celebrated. And Christ they’ll have some banter on the streets of Clapham tonight. Our only hope is if @Tassotti chins a few of the cunts.

Murray Kinsella is a monumental cunt. Think he was in the Munster academy too at some stage but never made it. Munster reject.
[/quote]Mate, you wouldn’t really know it is even on here in London, No one gives a shit, I say the micks at home are gone mad alright, Limerick must be covered in flags

As many as birds you’ve pulled recently


How many is that, @Mac?

You tell me

I asked the question, @Mac?

If you don’t know the answer then just say so.

Good to see republican rugby fans at Wembley today

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Why do you not know how many birds you’ve pulled recently?

I did not ask that.

That has to be a piss take