Rugby World Cup 2015


It’s fucking ridiculous you gee bag. A point for losing??? What the fuck?

Relax kid

Fuck you…it’s horse shit, end of.

U ok hun?

I’m not your hun you faggot.


Stop getting hysterical

Japan and South Africa have both played 2 games, both winning one and losing one.
Japan beat South Africa in the first game.
Japan has 4 pts.
South Africa has 7 points.
Gas fucking shit.

In the knock out stages of World Cup soccer they declare a winner even when a game ends in a draw. Gas fucking shit.


It’s called a tie breaker mate, they do it in ever sport where there is a tie in the knock out phase.
Try harder.

The Republic of Ireland soccer team got to the Quarter Finals of a World Cup by not winning a game.


Exaact same thing can happen in a rugby competion. Draws stand in league/robin robin play. Ties after AET in knock play are decided by penalty kicks… just like soccerball.
Try harder.

There’s never been a need for one of these ridiculous ‘tie-breakers’ in a rugby world cup. If soccer is not capable of producing a winner 11 on 11, they should follow the example of test cricket and declare the match a draw.

In any case, your puerile attention seeking comments should really be on the anti-rugby football thread.

This thread just fine mate, or indeed any Rogbee related thread for that matter.

The chances of it happening it rugby are far less as there are 3 different ways to score.

The number of draws in rugby are few and far between. There has been what, one penalty shoot out in a first tier rugby union knock out competition ever?

Rugby introduced bonus points for tries and losing bonus points to incentive play. American sports have anti tanking laws. Just like FIFA tried the Golden Goal and Silver Goal to try and bring some excitement into games, get off your high horse there.

Tim forgot to log out and log back in as Geoff.

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There’s never been a rugby World Cup match decided by this penalty kick ‘competion’ you’re referring to. The 56 matches in the knock out stages of the 7 World Cup’s to date have only ever required extra time on three occasions and all 56 have produced conclusive results without the necessity of resorting to the type of farcical lottery system you have in soccer.


The NBA draft lottery was introduced so that teams could not just tank and get the first pick.

It aims to ensure teams play to the end and aims for balance competitively throughout a year. Of course it could be better, and the NBA could do more and have resisted doing more of late, but attempts to force teams to play the year out are there.

Having losing bonus points in competitions incentives teams not to just give up if they fall behind by 10-15 points.

It benefits the “Big” teams more than it does the weaker nations. Japan pull off one of the biggest shocks in the history of the sport, and basically have fuck all to show for it.
A bit like the Backdoor in Hurling invariably ended up benefiting the big three than it did the counties it was supposed to benefit.