Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

I’d recommend @ChairmanDan forward those rules and stipulations regarding weather affected games to the Irish Rugby correspondents of the Irish Times and Irish Independent . It seems that the oncoming Typhoon seems to be dominating the narrative amongst the rubby hacks, with a lot of criticism for World Rugby thrown into the mix. Perhaps these experts are unaware of the rules and concern for health and safety of attendees?

It seems that the expected inclement weather conditions is not only causing consternation amongst the one every four years, scummy soccer crowd grrrr

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14 miles :grinning:

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:joy: how big was that typhoon again

I don’t think I’m in denial. I think it a shambles from World Rugby and reflects incredibly poorly on the sport. You are correct, it absolutely will have a negative impact in Italy and Scotland and certainly engenders the sense that not all countries are equal.

This all worked out quite well for rugby powerbrokers England, France and New Zealand and its hard to escape the sense that if one of them would have been discommoded more effort to find a proper solution would have been made.


World Rugby have screwed up very badly here

It would not have taken much advance planning to move the crucial New Zealand v Italy and Japan v Scotland games to the north or south of Japan

You make the decision three days in advance, and then go with it

With World Rugby’s focus on profits, it would not have cost much to charter a couple of Shinkansens and block book a few capsule hotels

I cannot help feeling that World Rugby are happy to screw over certain teams here

It’s not a surprise that the beneficiaries are New Zealand, the hosts Japan, and England


“The rugby crowd” = Chairman Dan

+1 surely another prefecture could have accommodated

“Rubby crowd”

The impression now is that the whole competition is bento

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Are you mad? You want me to stalk the likes of Scruff Thronley and school him on the rulebook? If he wants refresher courses in how to be a rugby journalist, maybe his sports editor should be sending him back to college.

I’ve given up enough of my time as it is here, educating the rugby once every four years soccer types on the intricacies of our sport and the rule book.

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World Rugby’s contingency plan

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Scotland have a case here. The rules clearly outline the agreed outcome for cancelled pool games but they do not state the reasons for cancellation over postponement. If both teams are willing to arrange an alternate fixture, then there should be no reason to outright cancel the fixture.

It’s farcical that WRC have no contingency in place for adverse weather conditions, while running a tournament in a country during it’s Typhoon season. If Scotlands fate is decided by the weather and WRC aren’t forthcoming in applying common sense and postponing instead of cancelling, I think they have a case

Have they made a decision yet?

Paul Wallace and Franno on Matt Cooper now - it dosent get much better than this ( well maybe if Hugo Macneil could join and talk about his career in business)


The rubby crowd has actively kept Georgia out of the premier European competition. They plainly don’t give a fuck about the smaller nations. If New Zealand needed to beat Italy, that match would have been played

Would have been better if th Irish game was cancelled. Knocked out, can save face by claiming a technicality. Now we’re going to have to endure an absolute hole opening from New Zealand next weekend.

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And that thick cunt is it Bob casey, knob in hand, talking about all the friends he has in the city of London and how rich they all are

Scots were absolutely robbed in the last wc also.


They’ll have had a 2 week lead in as well. It could be really ugly

This has turned out to be an embarrassing clusterfuck for the real jocks here