Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again


Iā€™m delighted for you, you homophobic prick.

Go shit in your hat you Cark cunt

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Hard to feel too sorry for them when they fucked us over on our bid for hosting the event.

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itā€™s hard to feel sorry for them because they are a bunch of servile, lickspittle lapdogs.

That too

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They are rugby fans, that comes with the territory

Iā€™ve said it in rugby conversations with lads that Ireland are fucked in this WC. Based on the game we play, it wouldnā€™t bt SA. The game that did it for me was the English game last year. Blitz defence from them and ā€˜front upā€™ as the man says. Irelands game imo is all pre determined stuff from the training ground. No off the cuff stuff and quick rucks and moving the ball quickly side to side waiting for the mistake and the break. Bash bash, we wonā€™t get through sa doing it.

Some scummy soccer guy on the late late questioning the wisdom of holding the rugby world cup in the middle of typhoon season without having a real contingency plan. Grrrrrrr.

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They should just call off the whole thing now at this stage and everyone enjoy a bit of scenery in Japan and then go home.


They donā€™t have a case. Itā€™s an Act of God. It was the worst typhoon to hit Japan in over 60 years and its outside normal peak typhoon season too. All twenty competing teams have signed up to and agreed to the tournament rules in advance.

Itā€™s all moot anyway. As @TreatyStones has said any number of times now. The show will go on in Yokohama on Sunday.

France, England and New Zealand have gained massive advantages from having their games cancelled.

They certainly have a case, it isnā€™t their fault the organisers didnā€™t have a contingency plan in place for typhoon season.

Youā€™d be reluctant to sign up to a world cup in future

Iā€™d say thatā€™s fellas legal experience is thin to say the least. They havenā€™t a leg to stand on.

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Good solid legal case you are building there :laughing:

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Eh up, hereā€™s fucking matlock.

Any word from the Irish camp, Mr mitty?

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A team signs up to the rules. The rules are enforced and you think theyā€™ve a legal case :laughing:

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Do you happen to know the criteria for cancellation over postponement when there are many alternatives available

It was in the tournament rules that if a game was called off due to the weather it would be a drawn game. If a game was called off before half time it would be called a draw but the points scoring difference would be counted. If called off after half time due to the weather the result stands. Scotland havenā€™t a fucking case and anybody that thinks they do most be seriously simple.