Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

NZ 34-30 Ire
65:15 gone

NZ guy fouled off the ball there.

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Big moment here

Pig and Porter in Limerick has been cancelled next year due to lack of interest.

an Irish try here could unnerve them

Two of the best hurling club teams in recent years in the country are in rubby strongholds

TThe Irish rubby team there…a bag of shit… Aptly enough, the shit is wrapped in black.

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He dropped it

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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Henshaw :man_facepalming:



Fucking hell Henshaw

Henshaw :smile:

Rory laughing the prick



McIlpube. :grin:

Even McElroy is laughing at them

Almost a Try, I feel a documentary coming on!

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