Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

That’s the cherry on top for TFK there. :smile:


Rugby and soccer team have so much in common. Both utter shite.

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This is the biggest bottle job in terms of any Ireland international team ever.

Abhoy Shawshank

At last

Henshaw atones

Two national embarrassments with the best fans in the wuddled

Valiant fist pump from Henshaw there :joy:

Redemption for Robbie.

Cunts high fiveing in the stands


Raucous scenes.

Owens tried really hard for that one.


Fist pumps in the crowd at 34-0 down :smile:


You can include the Galway hurlers’ performance this year in the list of national embarrassments

Hugh Cahill getting enthusiastic about the possibility of Ireland getting a score is reminiscent of when Murray Walker would get fierce excited about the possibility of Martin Brundle or Derek Warwick getting into the points for sixth place in a F1 Grand Prix circa 1989/90

And now he can get enthusiastic

Ireland are in the points

They’ll drink to that in Shinjuku tonight

The moral victory has been secured


We have them now.

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The comeback is on

The soccer team were never world no.1 coming into a tournament

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One of the most braindead posts on this forum, have to quote it to save it

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Carberry looks like a PWC tag rugby player


Four score game