Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Would have expected more from a rugby man like yourself.

We need to get the All Blacks back to Chicago. That’s the pinnacle of test rugby.

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You seem very angry about it all.

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The zeal of the repentant

I’m the opposite of angry. I find the whole situation quite funny.

The only thing I am agitated about is the respect shown for Rory Best who I thought lost all entitlement to respect when he made his grand gesture at the rape trial.


Japan limited as suspected. Being in a weak group left them untested.


Hmm. I see you’re taking the scattergun approach to this.

Only if they’re your own kids😯


Rugby referees, where nothing but respect is shown

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He didnt hold back anything there … I could feel the seethe and joy pouring from him as I read that.


Should I read it mate? I generally dont read Ewan, its not good for ones health to feast on such anger and bile. I’m a happy go lucky type of human and I don’t know if I need to go down that path so early on a Monday.

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It set me up right good for the week ahead.

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I’ll trust your judgement.

You love to see it.

I wouldn’t have much time for the Irish rugby team over that dirge Ireland’s call but people are entitled to support them. Ewan has serious issues.


He does. If he went out on the piss with breffni et al, he might find that a. It’s a good laugh, and b. Rugby is an intrinsically boring spectator sport. It is really either to play, which is increasingly beyond the scope of the average punter, or as a backdrop to a piss up. What harm?

Like Gaelic football — a good game to play, awful to watch.

You get some great games of football. Pretty much none of soccer. A few rugby ones (Japan vs Ireland, Japan vs Scotland stand out here, Wales vs aus maybe), but the odds are not in your favour if you’re looking for entertainment in the match itself, unless you are Japanese, who play the game as close to beautifully as possible.


None of soccer? - you think the most watched and played game on the planet produces no good games? … The problem with soccer is we are over saturated with it — The QF/ Semi - Finals of the champions league are arguably the best sporting drama you can get …