Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Nearly always at the business end of the soccer? Incorrect

I would actually tend to agree he’s thereabouts at the minute. If they lose next week, he’ll soon be forgotten though.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Was out for a Hugh heinz last night with a lad just back from Japan. He said the all black supporters were the greatest shower of wankers he had ever encountered and hoped anyone would walk all over the cunts. Bear in mind his ticket was 900 quid, so you think you’d get a better class of scrote. He said they started during the haka, bleating about Irish folk being “dusrupuctful” for having the temerity to sing.
He said there were some cunts behind him gleefully and loudly giving running commentary, until the Irish lad next to him, a big fucking unit he said, turned round and said the the main culprit completely matter of factly, “if you don’t shut the fuck up right now, I’m going to put my coat over your head and punch you until you’re carried out. I’ll go to jail, and I really don’t care”
Not a peep thereafter.

What a pig ignorant cunt

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He was til he was quietened.

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“World Cup winning coach Eddie Jones” has a nice ring to it.

That would sicken Joe Molloy, Murray Kinsella, Michael Corcoran and rest of the #TeamOfUs.

They place greater stock in Magners League and Heino Cups.

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I meant the Irish prick who can’t take his bating


:joy: :joy: :joy:

Threatening a man shouting for his team. Typical of the gurriers supporting Ireland these days


He should be arrested

:tropical_fish: :joy:

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A sport dominated by misogynists

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They don’t even know who invented the game sure

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Only 33% of rugby’s sexual participants are women though


Cillian is tremendous fun

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He’s probably still a better option than James Collins.