Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Joe singled larmour, Ryan and stocdale out in schools games. Promoted them before their provinces.

All things being equal I think Ireland should have as good a team or better than wales. But I think they have generally had the edge on us when it counts and that their game plan of scoring tries is strategically superior to our game plan of repeatedly running into the nearest defender.

Are Ireland going to win the world cup in your opinion mate?

So your request for information, which you got, and was contrary to what you expected, did nothing to change your opinion? Why look for information so? Are you getting too much heat? Working too hard?

What are you talking about now?

Wales attack is awful. They don’t score tries at all. In fact in this years six nations they’d the joint worst record at scoring tries. Wales whole game is built on their defense.

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Wales attack is by far their weakest area too. So he’s horribly wrong just like the time he claimed it’s schidmts policy to not select players abroad.

Stockdale full back would be gas crack.

Stop making up things that I said.

It’s exactly what you said and you hadn’t the balls to put your hands up and say you were wrong. You are now bigging up this Wales teams try scoring ability. It’s widely accepted it’s the worst aspect of their game. Yet you won’t admit “ya I’m clueless I haven’t a clue what I’m talking about.” You’ll twist and turn but never say you are just wrong.


As for Wales they’ll completely fall apart. A flukey six nations covering up all sorts off cracks. Jones coming in is probably good as howley as an attack coach is awful but their scrum is awful too and their attack is toothless really. Much weaker than the 2015 team that was littered with genuine world class players in their prime.

You’re either purposely misstating what I said or you didn’t understand it properly. If it’s the second I hope you pay a bit more attention in college. Good luck anyway.

You edited your rubbish about their ability to score tries :joy::joy: and now you’ve edited to even more crap. Ireland had well over the double of defenders beaten in the last six nations.

Ok you’ve gone bananas again. I haven’t edited anything. I’ll leave you there.

Wales in the 2019 six nations least number of defenders beaten, least number of line breaks and joint lowest tries scored. @glasagusban so stop bigging up the welsh attack. It’s really bad.

Run off now. You could just admit you haven’t a clue what you are talking about.



Oh deary me

Least defenders beaten and least amount of line breaks too.

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