Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Delighted I won’t be in the proximity of any gimp Oirish rugby fans for the next however many weeks this lasts. Delighted.

lads here losing their life because other posters dont like the same sport as them :grin:

It really eats the rubby lads up.

Im on board this year if it helps.


At 90kph.
Youd need to be on drugs mate.

You said he was a much better player than Conor Murray. Murray was named on the rugby team of the year and very unlucky not to be nominated for world player of the year. That’s bigging marmion up. By saying marmion is better than Murray you are saying he’s in the top two scrum halves in the world.

Murray is shit


Heard a speaker on the radio a few weeks back, he had written a book about the era but his name escapes me. He talked about how after the brits pushed the boers and blacks into concentration camp they made them work for rations. the boers were farmers (obviously) so they did that work but the blacks weren’t so they put them to work as prison guards etc in the boer camps. And thats where the deep hatred comes from.

im reading there about Johannes Gerhardus Strijdom - he was the guy who set the wheels of baaskaap- the white supremacist movement in motion ( i love those long aa example of allieration that are prevelant in afrikaans)

Says the man who willingly swims Galway Bay through the cruise ship effluent with a jellyfish on his face. Lads do all sorts of weird shit. Each to their own.

There is that

yes yes
and it is the exact same in israel
the arabs are hated by jews who from north africa and iran
why? because after israel gained independence in 1948 it was flooded with people like yossi benayoun’s parents from morocco who were put living in shacks in the negev desert by the european elite who built tel aviv who considered them to be like arabs - yeah they could cook and play music but were totally uncivilised
to this day - the major nationalist right wing vote is still done by north african jews who remain some of the poorest in israeli society, thats who vote likued and vote netanyahu - they do it because he unites them behind the common enemy the arabs - he then in turn utterly screws them by imposing massive taxes on low level salaries by giving tax breaks to himslef - they spent their entire existence been compared to arabs in their own country - now they want to crush them

internal racism amougst jewish people is incredible
i covered this before but im not sure if people really get it
even in ireland- my mrs clearly looks north african - the odd time we;d go to a synagogue for rosh hashana or what not you’d have the white irish jews on one corner and whatever group she’d fall in with from ethiopia or iran or what not ( isrealies living here) in the other… they really cant identify with each other and the hosts are unwelcomimg

ill tell ye about holocaust memorial day another time and how that’s also a huge divide


I think it’ll be England v New Zealand and Ireland v Australia in the semi finals.

Haven’t Wales more usually had our number?

Has Stockdale played full back before? That’d be a surprise no?

It’s quite likely we’ll have to beat the boks, Australia and NZ to win it. At least two of them anyway. Thank god schidmt had us regularly beating these sides over the last four years. We’ll hold absolutely no fears playing them.

You’re tagging me all morning to tell me how obsessed I am

Earls and Kearney are fit so it won’t happen. He was a brilliant full back for the Irish 20s.

One feels a lot of eggs could be about to hatch

Historically yes. In Schmidttime, no. I think we’d take them in the white heat, typhoon monsoon of a Japanese WC semi.

A lot of their identities are tied to being the biggest Man u fan in the village or whatever. Being able to talk in an informed manner about transfer strategies or zonal marking or the likes. Rugby has them out of their comfort zone. There is threads on here giving out yards about rugby terminology etc sure.

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And the year before they took the thing so serious they set up private groups to discuss it the mad bastards :joy:

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