Rugby World Cup 2023/ Crochet & Knitting chit chat


They havenā€™t gone away. Its the 4 year cycle.

South Africa go with the traditional 5-3 split on the bench. Pollard and de Klerk not starting.

Thatā€™s a mighty sound gesture.

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:grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :laughing:


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Iā€™ll take this one.



What sport is more popular than rugby at the moment in Ireland?

Squad all based in Ireland and have a lot of different areas of Ireland.

I never known such a buzz about the place for a game.

Rugby is like music. Absolutely everyone watches it bar maybe the one percent on here who love to be against everything thatā€™s popular.

Football is the most popular sport on the island.

The Irish rugby team are the most popular team.

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Ah there is plenty people who wouldnt watch it. Itā€™s the folks who would actively rail against a successful Irish team baffle me tbhā€¦nowt only fear around it diminishing their own favourite sport in reality

Letā€™s not go down this cul de sac and just enjoy the build up.

Whatā€™s a captains run - last training session?

If Ciara Kelly offered her opinion on soccer or gah would you pay it any heed? :man_shrugging:t2:

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Hear the latest lot are favourites to beat NZ in a World Cup game. Corcoran on the radio, tv3 for analysis. Canā€™t wait. The last 4 years have flown.

How are the OTB lads shaping up this time?


Well most of them donā€™t consider themselves Irish. Thought they always said Ulster was their national team?

Light run on the match pitch.

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cc. @Batigol

Nothing in it, ever so slight favourites in the bookies but really a score in it either way.

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You thought wrong


Holy fuck