Rule Britannia

banned in England? The huns love it

First the British sausage, now this.
Where will it end?

Political correctness gone mad. What’s happened to the britain @ChairmanDan pretends he grew up in?


I’m reminded of Kenny Powers Quote;

“Sure, I’ve been called a xenophobe, but the truth is I’m not. I honestly just feel that America is the best country and all the other countries aren’t as good. That used to be called patriotism .”


The BBC are now saying that they won’t sing Rule Brittania because of the risk of spreading COVID through singing. What a spineless bunch of cunts. They can’t even stick to their BLM story for a day.


BBC do what Cummings tells them these days.
You can insert whatever spin jockey had the ear of the current PM in instead of that little gollum when he goes.

They’ll ban playing “abide with me” before the Cup final next

*not actually sure if they still play it

Rule brittania is top of the uk download chart today

Britannia will always wave the rules.

Whures don’t rule their drawers ffs


Rule Brittannia has been restored to the Proms by the new Director General.

If only @sidney was still alive to hear this