Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

Performing at the Largo Coronet Theatre in West Hollywood – his first show since the Radio 2 scandal broke – Brand said: ‘Burlesque and erotica – I’ve been rethinking it of late,’ referring to Georgina Baillie’s profession as a burlesque dancer and glamour model.

The media are jumping on a comment Jeremy Clarkson made about lorry drivers on Top Gear the other night now too.

I liked this in The Fiver yesterday:

Expect assorted Daily Mail employees to call hysterically for their own dismissal now that the paper has been forced to pay out “substantial” libel damages to Marco Materazzi for alleging that it was “vile racist abuse” that provoked Zinedine Zidane to butt the Italy defender in the 2006 World Cup final.

Anyone else find the Clarkson comment funny? I only heard it on the radio this morning and I chuckled, even though I wouldnt be a big fan of him.

what was it?

They were doing a piece about lorries and he said that all lorry drivers were interested in were fuel prices and killing prostitutes

Brand is reportedly thrashing out a deal to appear in the fourth Pirates Of The Caribbean film - as Captain Jack Sparrow’s younger brother Jonathan. The deal to appear in the children’s magazine could be worth as much as 5million and would catapault the 33-year-old into the Hollywood A-list.
A source told The Sun: ‘There couldn’t be a role more perfectly suited. There’s a lot of Jack Sparrow in his mannerisms and behaviour. Depp’s accent isn’t a million miles away from Russell’s either.’

didn’t realise brand was 33…

Ah people can’t say anything these days without people flying off the handle. Everywhere is gone way over the top with the PC bull shiiiiiiiiite.

Brand ‘prank call’ girl confesses: ‘How drug use led me to a world of depravity and pornography’

Drug use: Georgina Baillie has admitted to taking cocaine and Ecstasy

If Georgina Baillie was hoping to save her grandfather’s embarrassment, she’s doing a dreadful job of it.

The Satanic Sluts dancer, who found herself at the centre of the BBC lewd phone call scandal, has revealed sordid details about her drug and pornography past.

Far from shying away from publicity in the wake of the Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross prank call furore, the granddaughter of Fawlty Towers actor Andrew Sachs appears determined to capitalise on her moment in the spotlight.

The 23-year-old was thrust into the headlines after her former lover Russell Brand and fellow DJ Jonathan Ross left messages on Sachs’ answerphone which revealed Brand had slept with his granddaughter.
They were broadcast on Brand’s Saturday night Radio 2 show. The ensuing scandal cost Brand his BBC career.

Georgina says she was ‘so scared’ of her history coming to light that she decided to make a clean breast of it.

But she has no intention of giving up her current career as a risqu burlesque performer and last night took to the stage with her dance troupe for another vulgar, blood-soaked show in London’s Holborn.
In an interview with a celebrity magazine this week, she spoke openly about her extensive drug abuse, detailing how it led her to nude modelling and pornography.

She told OK! magazine: ‘I was experimenting with drugs - I wasn’t a junkie, we tried coke and Ecstasy pills.’

‘Things got out of hand and we’d party through the night and the next morning I would pick up a cider or something gross like that and go off to my modelling gig - and I mean modelling in speech marks - and it just escalated, the drugs became more important, the modelling more explicit.’

‘I’ve done nude [modelling] and a tiny bit of adult,’ she said.

Baillie says she hit rock bottom and after realising she was becoming addicted to drugs, she decided to clean up her life.
'One day I woke up and just looked around and thought, I’m better than these scum and this cesspit.

Russell Brand and his new VBFs, the Trumps.

You can always see it coming a mile off.

Would you rather he hung around with hunter?

I wonder how the satanic sluts are getting on nowadays

Hopefully he will encourage Trumps fan base not to bother voting as well

Usain Bolt on with Jonathan Ross as we speak….SKY 105.

Talk shows have been round for a while you know

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Ah here, that acerbic Nordie sense of humour, don’t you just love it……

I’m about 2 glasses of Jameson away from telling you what I think of you. Now so…

Jaysus. I’ve never come this close to full realisation. Drink away, ill drop off a bottle during my next trip to knock

The usual suspects on this forum are getting very nervous. You can tell, they’re shouting “but Corbyn”.

I don’t have a Times subscription so if you could do the needful please @Raylan that would be appreciated.

The far right are making their “stand”. Lolz, they’re nothing if not predictable.