Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

It’s what your nonsense deserves.

Sleepwalking into WWIII


Kyiv under attack again. Russia needs to be routed and broken up once and for all. Sadly this is the only thing that will stop all this. This is a situation which is World War II like in its seriousness, Russia an evil comparable to Nazi Germany. The sooner everybody realises that the sooner this can end.

Yep Vlad needs to knock out those playgrounds

Putin is. Russia isn’t.

Yes it is. In the same way Germany was.

If the hypothetical event Putin had been deposed early in the war, it is plausible Russia might have rowed back. That’s long since ceased to the case.

It really is as simple as Russia being the forces of evil and they have to be utterly routed, otherwise the world will enter an age of tyranny from which it may never recover.

And it has to be defeated before this time two years hence, because Trump openly supports Russia, and if he gets in again, western support for Ukraine will end and Europe will be left to be devoured by tyranny.

At the moment it looks like if Putin is overthrown it will likely be by the even more fanatical rather than the less so

Shur they’re doing that in Dublin

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V8 landcruiser with a Ukrainian registration plate in front of me in traffic.

I was torn between being happy to see him safe but judging his less than environmentally sound ICE purchase.

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It could be somebody more reasonable too lads. If the average Russian is fed up surely the next man in won’t be as bad.

The average russian might be as war hungry as some of the lunatics on here.

When the Russians blow up the internet cables there’s a few war mongers on here who will be waving the white flag fairly quickly.


We’ll switch to wireless automatically…

A load of hot wind.

The " I have no words" phrase really grinds my gears.

you should put Hot take before your hot takes mate


Wouldn’t you think she’d turn the camera around