Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

A load of hot wind.

The " I have no words" phrase really grinds my gears.

you should put Hot take before your hot takes mate


Wouldn’t you think she’d turn the camera around

i have no experience of being bombed mate so im not sure there is an appropriate way to hold a camera in that situation


If only it was a north Dublin cyclist, there would have been six camera angles of the event along with smug commentary.


Putin taking their shitbox tanks. He must be in trouble.

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Medvedev, the guy who stepped in between Putin years until Putin changed the laws, is gone every bit as nationalist, brave mother Russia bullshit as Putin. Seems that’s what the power mechanism allows for. Alternative or moderate views don’t appear to have opportunity to be heard.

Medvedev was hand picked by Putin to keep his seat warm. Mick to his Claire.

Yeah but there was hope someone finally in the position of power to exert moderateness.nhe did show signs to be that leader. He shat the bed allowing the law to be changed on length of presidency under his own time in power

But the opportunity past, he proved to be just a stooge and now to remain relevant, he doesn’t offer an alternative but more concentrated nationalist view. Appears that’s what it takes to take to the iron throne

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I think the point of this is that if Belarus deploy a load of troops close to the border then Ukraine will be forced deploy troops on their side to mark them.

The Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko (copy and paste job) seems to be implying that the Ukrainians are already there and ready to attack, which is why I think this is a load of bull.

The way this is escalating you’d wonder how the French and Polish ever got back on talking terms with the Germans. Time I suppose…

One theory is that if Russia detonate a nuke then the NATO response will be to nuke Belarus and not Russia.

I read an article where this was the outcome of some sort of war games they ran last year. An indirect nuclear retaliation against Russia


We could have a situation where Russia deploys tactical nukes against Kiev, North Korea fires missiles at Seoul and China invades Taiwan. All before Christmas.

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There wasn’t any such hope. He was an obscure lawyer handpicked to do his bidding by Putin.

You’re not the arbiter of whether there was or wasnt

Hopefully early enough to prevent me needing to get the shopping done


It will keep us going through the dark evenings i suppose.


Is there any off ramp from a descent into a nuclear Winter? If only palpable one for West is regime change and a bullet to Putins cranium then what if he is replaced with another nationalist even more extreme or hardline. Rebekah Koffler who wrote “Putins Playbook” seems to think thats a reality and that Putin being replaced could lead to a greater escalation. The only other option then would be an invasion of Russia to overthrow United Russia party and install some puppet govt or national assembly. The reality is this continues for up to a decade or more and a long cold war or existential crisis dangles above our heads with attacks, reprisals and millions dying. Meanwhile if China invade Taiwan and sanctions are rolled out against China this leaves the West in an even more vulnerable position.