Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I’d say the Russian billionaire class have/have had gove, johnson etc over a barrel. All that money, all those hookers, all those cameras.


Pig head Cameron know only too well

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We need to ramp up green energy. Not to be reliant on abroad. I have maintained gas should be our base load but myself and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will go to the drawing board and find a suitable solution

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This is bizarre

If you care to check the record I predicted Russia would take Ukraine and China would take Taiwan in 2022. One down one to go. If like most “liberals” you don’t think China or rather the CCP is the real threat here, then you are the idiot. There is no way Putin would be so brazen without China’s green light.

But fair play to @Cheasty and Joe Biden for calling it, not that it makes any difference to Ukrainians.

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As it stands, the only way Russia gets a bloody nose from the invasion is if they get bogged down in a guerrila war for the next few years and eventually China stops indirectly funding the war.

I don’t see that happening as I doubt the people of Ukraine have a stomach for such a war (understandably) nor will they get the necessary supplies from their allies to effectively fight such a war.

As such we will get swift Russian victory, a puppet government, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, the countries neighbouring Ukraine will militarise more heavily creating a mini Cold War situation while the “severe” economic sanctions will slowly disappear with time and Putin will be in a position for further salami tactics as he pleases.

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They told the Russians to go fuck themselves

The Ukrainians are hardy bastards and will put up a hell of a fight but will get overpowered.

The Russians are closing on Kiev

And where do you think Wagner recruits from?

As if the Ukrainians hadn’t it bad enough they will now have to deal with a mutant brigade of the Russian Army as well.

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Yer man coming off the roundabout pulling a very sharp left there.

Would a tank really be isolated like that? Surely that would be easy pickings for any defenders

Is that not a second tank about 200 yards back in the distance? I assume some of the vehicles are army between them but the video is hard to tell

This fella seems to have plenty of videos of destroyed Russian equipment.

Lot of ‘unconfirmeds’ and ‘apparentlys’ doing the rounds.