Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Vettel is an outstanding human being.

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Hopefully I was clear last year he was hopeless vs Schumacher Jr in the same terrible car. I’m not convinced if mick is the real deal yet but he destroyed his teammate.

But also mazapines off track antics were disgraceful and shows he’s a terrible person

Vettel is a class act, always has been but last year pushing for the sport to do more for climate change and the environment is great. Picking rubbish at the British gp and calling put some serious flaws in the way the sport is run based on climate change.

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Like the Limerick hurling fans


The Russians who couldn’t take the airport today were elite troops.

But Russian air bombardment over the next week is going to be terrifying and they will attempt to wipe out Ukraine’s air force.

But the point remains: you cannot hold a country without a massive amount of ground troops.

This really is going to be utterly brutal. I think Putin is going to go postal if he doesn’t get it all his own way and full blown Syria tactics will be used.


I hope your right and give hope that Ukraine can fight off the Russians despite having a smaller army and a civilian mitilta

We’ve the sand bags out to repel Sundays invasion

I think Putin wants either a quick change to a friendly regime and or the annexation of territory along the border towards Crimea to solidify a hold on the black sea and a startling multi point attack will daze the Ukrainians enough to allow this. It’s doubtful Russia has the stomach for an occupation but also doubtful aside from the bravado that Ukraine has one for a long guerilla war. Not everywhere is Afghanistan or Vietnam. In fact almost nowhere is. They are two countries with a long history of suffering vicious invasions and being equally vicious in return. The west will do nothing however Finland and anyone else would want to be joining NATO quick smart.

I have hope but not expectation. I fear for the short term and the long term but the long term is the most likely to be the grind for Russia.

I think there’s a significant possibility of some utterly appalling war crimes, mass war crimes, actual genocide, which will live in infamy forever and will shock us to our cores.

Nobody knows.

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We all need to do our bit. I have incresed the price of Smirnoff by 50cent a pop in protest


I am willing to take in Ukrainian refugees. Ladies first, obviously.


I suspect that a lot of that has been going on in Russia for years. Particularly in the regions that don’t see themselves as Russia. Our children will read about them and wonder how did we not know it was going on

This is the sort of brutality I fear on a mass scale. Do not underestimate the bloodlust of Putin and Russian troops.

Ukraine has its own little Thermopylae as of today. It is a tiny (700x600m) Żmijowa Island, without any significance for the military operations conducted by Russia. Today it was razed to the ground because the Ukrainian border guard unit present did not surrender. All died, 13 people

No Russian standard vodka I assume.

Russian rulers have never thought anything of forced mass population transfers, mass death and genocide. It’s in their DNA. It is their DNA.

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They won WWII by bruth force and piling as many bodies as they could at the war. I believe and correct me if I’m wrong 90% of males born in Russia in 1923 died on the Eastern front

@Cheasty will we join the McArse army?

Long live The Ghost of Kyiv

The day is almost over and what a monumental day it has been. As I watched the bombs explode over Keev and the Russian military helicopters fly around the sky like seagulls I had only one thought - “Fair play @Cheasty , fair play.”

After the triple-mask-wearing, after the menstruation eating. After the meltdowns and doxxings and self-doxxing. After the stalking and genuine personal tragedy, this… this was his moment.

Putin invaded Keev (or tried to). @Cheasty was quantifiable correct. @Tierneevin1979 was quantifiably an idiot. He was also wrong. There are no ifs or buts.

Why are you so nasty, @Tierneevin1979 asks? Because I’m a Liberal.

How many hours did @Tierneevin1979 spend on this thread lecturing us in the most condescending manner about Ukraine when all along he was just talking out or his hole? @Cheasty was also lecturing us in a condescending manner but the difference is he got it right.

Even now @Tierneevin1979 is still full of shit. “This is all about China’s plans for the new silk road” he tells us and posts a map. Would it not be better to have the road go through a peaceful country rather than a country at war? And the road seems to go into Western Europe, does China want Putin to conquer Germany too so they can build a road in Germany? What a fucking load of shite.

Sleep well fair @Cheasty for you have earned your rest. How knows what escalations the morning might bring.


On a serious note, I think we need to do the following (these aren’t jokes):

  • the Russian billionaire class in London should be assassinated until they’re frightened off out of the country. Start with the Tory donors and Roman Abramovich. They should be murdered in their sleep or on the street. After they all flee for their lives they shouldn’t be let back.
  • all the Russian gas pipe lines inside Russia and from Russia to other countries should be continually attacked and blown up. It should be made impossible for Russia to make or export gas. Also, if the Russians are using gas as leverage over certain European countries, blow up the pipelines to those countries and the leverage is gone.
  • St Basil’s Cathedral in Red Square should be blown up.
  • Putin’s airplane should be blown out of the sky next time he has an international engagement. G8 or whatever.
  • Chechnya should be made into the next Afghanistan.