Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Took a serve like hes playing gta

Looks like Joe Binden’s flight path in off the lawn.

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Vladimir and Vitali are tooling up I see. Fair play to them


I woke up at 5am this morning and opened TFK to read about overnight developments. But @cheasty wasn’t live blogging and I was left with no option but to switch to Gavin Sheridan’s “Ukraine” list on Twitter. Please cheasty, do better.

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I wouldn’t fancy hand to hand combat against them anyway…

Throwing shade

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Why do the average Russian hate this fella? Is there a backstory or is it Putin propaganda?

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I prefer me own list of about 75 accounts. Gavin’s is too big at way over 200. At a certain point you just get too many accounts and too much superfluous information. Quality over quantity.

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Hon Donald


Here’s what it does.

Gas to see all the Brexiteers on Twitter blaming the EU for this, ignoring their own Conservative party’s cosying up to and enablement of Russia.

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That’s mental. No way the Russians can win a war if the locals keep fighting back.

Imagine scare byrne and luke o neill giving instructions on making petrol bombs. Claire would still blame sinn fein

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Putin wants a revived Russian empire where he can do what he wants.

He wants to be in alliance with other despotic empires and have a world in which power and might rule.

That makes free democracies which have values and the rule of law the enemy.

Alliances of free democracies - the EU, NATO, the general post World War II western order etc. are the biggest enemy.

Within the western order, there exist - there always existed - imperialists and reactionaries who hanker after imperial might and/or an arch capitalist/kleptocratic hellhole. The people the west as a whole spent 200 years gradually defeating or wearing down to marginal forces.

If you are Putin the way to achieve what you want is to bring down the western order from inside, to use its very freedom to penetrate it and compromise it. Use your ill gotten money to compromise it in a business sense. Use disinformation warfare and relentlessly push chaos agents. Use the rump of reactionary imperialists within the west and continually promote their agendas, which you know will benefit you.

Nobody will ever convince me Brexit wasn’t to a huge degree a Russian influence operation. Or Trump, or Trumpism. Or that Russia isn’t all over all over every bit of chaos agency and disinformation which is now peddled in the west. Other appalling regimes are in on it too. China, India, Saudi Arabia, Israel. They have their fingers in all the pies to varying degrees.


Worth a look if you’re on telegram…


hopefully will end up going the same way as yezhov and beria with a bullet to the brain in the basement of the lubyanka.

then again, i doubt many would weep if he died the same way as stalin in a pool of his own piss and shit for 3 days aftr a stroke

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