Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The driver, an elderly lady, somehow survived this

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The way Mussolini went would be my preference for him. Mixed in with a bit of Gaddafi.

I’m anti-death penalty but very occasionally, such as when a Hitler comes along, I’m prepared to slightly relax my ideology.

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The Helix have cancelled my trip to Swan Lake today. The Royal Moscow Ballet were due to perform but I was feeling decidedly queasy about attending. I’m happy enough about it. The little lady however will be devastated that one of her Santa presents is done. DcU sticking it to Putin.


They could also strip John Pilger of his honorary doctorate.

Sadly I disagree with Foreign Minister Kuleba that responsibility is inevitable.

Translation: Today’s Russian attacks on kindergartens and orphanages are war crimes and violations of the Rome Statute. Together with the Office of the Attorney General, we are collecting these and other materials, which we will immediately transfer to The Hague. Responsibility is inevitable.

Jeremy loves Russia.

Then again the conservatives are basically a Russian lobbying group

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There’s no cognitive dissonance at all with me.

There’s reality and people’s views changing when things happen to focus their attention and make their views change. My views on NATO changed quite some time ago, years ago.

My views on Putin have never changed. I also understand the concept of nuance.

The difference between me and you is that you are completely dogmatic and not strong enough as a poster to admit that you could ever change your views on anything. You dig in and in and in, and down and down and down.

The anti-NATO left are certainly dogmatic and they’re certainly wrong on this. But they get called out for that because left/liberal politics in general isn’t a cult.

Trumpism serves Putinism. Virtually nobody on the US right is calling this out in any way and the two or three Republicans in the House who have are now enemies of the Republican party.

I don’t see how you can criticise the likes of Corbyn for what he believes about NATO. Because you hold the same views as he does on this. Nor are you on any grounds whatsoever to criticise Biden, because you hold views that are far closer to appeasement than he does.

At least be honest about what you are doing - you’re shilling here for the Trumpist Republican party which calls Biden “weak” even though Trumpism, which dominates it, eulogises Putin, while you yourself are much, much “weaker” in your views than Biden.

I’m genuinely curious - do you ever sit back and comprehend the laugh out ludicrous position you have dug yourself into?

I don’t think you do. It seems to me as if the INTERNET has addled your mind into a position where the idea that politics or even just a person’s way of looking at the world should never be about values or real beliefs - but about childish bunfighting and dumb, context free point scoring through the use of tabloid inanities, dumb cliches and empty slogans. I think there are an awful lot of people out there like you.

So you accept that Corbyn and Abbott’s decades long position on NATO was wrong, good to hear.

I am pro NATO as a deterrent force and always have been, so no I don’t agree with Corbyn.

The Ukrainians seem to be making a stand.

Hypothetical: Russia takes Ukraine fully.

What’s next?

I’m guessing Moldova.

Anything that doesn’t involve invading a NATO country, yet.

The Georgians must be sweating too, no one gives a fuck about them as was already proven


Putin may have overplayed his hand here, obviously he has an advantage in terms of military strength and resources but war can be very unpredictable. If this goes on for long they will get bogged down.

If they can delay him and turn it into a battle he is goosed.

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If the Americans and Europe gets involved sure they Russians don’t stand a chance surely ?

Russia would be fairly worn out I’d imagine after taking on Ukraine, then tackling those mental cunts

Not necessarily as you’d be inviting China & all those cracked cunts in the Middle East into Europe



All Russia is, is a big petrol station. They have fuckall else to offer us, bar their fat blockhead hooligans and mafias, and their dirty money. Having a look around the house to see what I have that is “made in Russia”. The gas maybe! London must be awash with Russian dirty money.

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That’s not much of a response.

I mean wouldn’t it have been obvious I have very different views from the anti-NATO left given that I said 200k NATO troops should have been in Ukraine as deterrence in order to prevent this war from happening?

I think you have very similar views to Corbyn in general on this particular topic and they are very appeasement like. But your views come from a different place. The likes of Corbyn wanted the west to have good relations with Russia because they had a deluded Mary Poppins type view of international relations and refused to understand that Putin wants to destroy us. You want the west to have good relations with Russia because you want us to become more like Russia.

But here’s on thing Corbyn was dead right about. And he got shouted down by a lot of the same people who are only now waking up to the problem.

There are certainly parts of the left who have been blind to the danger of Russia and a lot of them are mixed up with some crazy beliefs on other subjects - but blindness to Russia has run across the spectrum. Which is more harmful? The blindness of some fringe people on the left, or the blindness of the vast swathe of centrist politics which refused to see the reality that they were being compromised from within by Russian business interests penetrating into the heart of political life?

You are part of the much, much larger and more influential culture warrior right wing which has continually poo pooed those throughout the rest of politics and society who have sounded the alarm about them, both in a being compromised through doing business with them sense and in a disinformation and being actual assets of them sense. You lot poo pooed warnings on Putin because Putin is basically your ally.

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Would a lot of Russians now be used to a certain level of lifestyle and also a shift in mindset and may not want the hassle war will bring ? Before it was easier to follow their leader as they were all downtrodden but there must be a more westernised class there who see this as madness ? In short I am asking is there much chance of Putin getting whacked from within ?