Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I think that is the only way to solve it. They need to get rid of him from within.

Very brave, well spoken pro Russian Irishman on the Liveline here, Russian fiancé,
Just now realised that he has probably gone too far and knows what it will sound like

I think most Russians are not very arsed about recreating the Russian empire through brutal wars of aggression. Putin is.

Russians are pretty downtrodden right now, it is one of the most unequal states in the world, and the vast majority are petrified of Putin and the system. Those who are making shedloads of money are also petrified of Putin and probably the system too.

Something has to happen to take away his air of invincibility before change can be possible.

Erdogan fancies a cut at Russia.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Friday that reaction from NATO and Western countries to Russia 's assault on Ukraine had not been decisive, adding he hoped a NATO summit on Friday would lead to a more determined approach from the alliance.
“It should not turn into an ordinary flurry of condemnation . NATO should have taken a more decisive step,” Erdoğan said after Friday prayers in Istanbul.

I’d say he does. I’d say he’d love to have them out of the Black Sea

Russian foreign ministry spokesperson going off on one about the Brits on Sky News. Translator struggling to keep up with the rant.

Why the fook are they even on Sky News? How far do the media go in their quest for false balance?

To use a right wing cliche turned back on them: “where does it stop?”

Would Sky News have been interviewing Goebbels live on air on September 3rd, 1939 had it existed then?

I mean there’s an educated class there who , without being filthy rich , would be on good incomes and dealing with the West through pharma or IT companies so have a window into that lifestyle as opposed to previous generations behind an iron curtain …surely they are plentiful and will have a lot to loose from all out war .

He could cut them off from the Bosphorous but won’t do so.

100% yes

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Yeah, but what do they watch? Where do they get their views from? Has the decades long barrage of all out propaganda from Russian media stupified them into such a sense of powerlessness and inertia that they just sit there zombie like and accept what Russia is? History says yes.

Does the threat, the fear of being arrested, beaten, imprisoned and having their lives ruined for even attending a protest silence them? History and present says yes.

Could anyone really trust that fucker?

94% yes


Putin is Milo Minderbinder.

I think Erdogan is as afraid of Putin as anybody. In the same way Putin has a paranoid fear of western invasion of Russia, I think Erdogan has a deep seated paranoid fear of Putin trying to take Istanbul and turning it into Constantinople or Tsargrad again. He’s happy to be inside the NATO tent pissing out instead of being outside pissing in. Everything I have seen says Turkey and Ukraine have good relations and the Ukrainians seem quite important to them in an economic and geopolitical sense. You’d rather have the Ukrainians having a large chunk of the Black Sea coast than have Russia have it.

Erdogan is an appalling person - not far off Putin himself in terms of being appalling - who is right about saying that NATO should have been more decisive.


Just Wikipediaed that conflict. It didn’t turn out as I remembered - I remember the US winning and Russia retreating after American pressure but looking at it now that must have been some heavy US propaganda being reported in the Western press. Russia won that one.

I also just learned that although no-one realised it at the time, the Russians ethnically cleansed about 20,000 Georgians living in South Ossetia that week (they were mostly just burnt out, not killed). You’d imagine something similar is happening in Ukraine right now.

Those whose default reaction to Ukraine was to call them Nazis because a tiny minority of fighters in 2014-15 were far right should read this.

You’d much, much rather have Ukraine’s societal problem with the far right - a problem every country has to some degree - than Russia’s or Britain’s or the US’s.

I think it’s an absolute disgrace that RTE radio news has just uncritically broadcast a minute of insane rambling with translation by whatever Russian it was calling Ukraine “Nazis” and saying that Ukraine “needed to be de-Nazified.”

Western media is just so fucking useless at this, it continues to broadcast lying propaganda uncritically. And then they wonder why so many people believe in crazy things.

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