Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Reading off his phone, texts directly from putin I say.

You’re an auld lad so, good man

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You’d dress those soilders so well that bullets would be irrelevant.

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I’ve been at three funerals in 3 weeks. I’m awful maudlin tonight.


I might have a few onboard myself

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For the blue and gold

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He is an appalling representative. I wonder does Putin now regret bumping off (possibly) his predecessor Vitaly Churkin.

Sorry to read that, lad

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Ah all good ages. Cheers though.

They are the best and worst days. I sort of enjoy them (if they’ve lived a good long life) as there’s so much goodwill and camraderie and a lot of barriers come down and lads get really fucking honest with their friends and maybe with themselves.


From what I recollect of my reading of the bear and the dragon by Tom Clancy, I wanna say 15 to 20 years ago. There’s considerable untapped mineral and precious metal wealth there.

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Very true. Sort of occasions where stubborn fucks drop shields

Massive area. Bigger than Europe if draw a line directly north from china’s west border. Surely there is something something there. Of not a lot of farming land to feed the Chinese

Hon our lads

  • Posted at 23:51 25 Feb23:51 25 Feb

Ukraine says it shot down large Russian plane

Ukraine has shot down a Russian Ilyushin Il-76 aeroplane with paratroopers aboard, according to the commander in chief of Ukraine’s armed forces.

The BBC cannot independently verify the claim. The Il-76 is a large multipurpose four-engine aircraft.

A statement posted on Facebook said Ukrainian air defence forces had brought the plane down near Vasylkiv, close to Kyiv.

The statement called it revenge for when a plane with Ukrainian paratroopers was shot down at Luhansk airport in 2014.*


Tis fairly bleak by all accounts


The Irish funeral is one of the best things we do, especially a rural one. You would be hard pressed to see anything like it the world over. Cathartic


I’d say the Ukrainians might have gotten a few high end surface to air missile systems shipped in over the last few weeks. They seem to be doing pretty well.

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Javelins, all off the showlder. Great tech but not exactly the iron Dome. No fixed air defences worth talking about thanks to obomber

I used that exact word earlier. Covid was particularly cruel for people who had to go through it alone.

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Yeah, terrible. Thankfully they are back in full swing, long may it last

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