Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I know he needs to be seen as standing his ground but I think he should be seeking shelter at this stage.

He is the face of Russian contempt at this stage. He clearly infuriates Putin to the stage of demention.

If Putin gets him it will be a major blow to Ukrainians surely.

We’ll surely win Eurovision after that Tour de France by our Security Council lads.

Paddy wanted them sacked for Covid breaches

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Sure covid was only a cod, no doubt in comparison to war.

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Russian delegate rattled badly.

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The Russian Lad has now claimed Russia took chernobyl to prevent Ukraine from building a dirty bomb. Before mic dropping and ending meeting. Batshit


Big Phil would have headed off this war if he hadn’t been forced to resign for eating a bit of dinner


We could learn a lot of lessons off back of this. A good war cleanses the palate. The Iraq war spawned the magical mid 90s.

People need to realise how good we all have it.

Making claims that site was safe last Friday, ffs.

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Not remotely funny or amusing but carryon bro.

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Ah here, 2 years of a pandemic everyone felt it was good way to get back to life and enjoying what we have as it can be taking away easily, relatively low impact compared to war. Hopefully this war is ended soon and not a continuous next 2 weeks etc. Paddys day, white House, chump gives sleepy joe a Waterford crystal bowl with shamrock and putins head courtsey of the cork fishermen

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So was the rest of Ukraine. Lying cunts

Not meant to be offensive but it makes people realise that life is pretty good and we should not lose our shit over nonsense.

Ask a family in Ukraine about car stickers tonight.


God be with the days Claie Byrne and Luke O Neil used to frolic together in a bubble

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Bernard o shea showing us despite being a professional comedian you don’t need to be funny


Life was so innocent back then

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The Russian delegate had frenzied panicked enough looking advisors in his ear throughout.

It all screams that Putin is losing the room and more worryingly he is probably an extremely loose cannon right now.

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You’d miss being within your own 2km unless you had a great story for the guards. Don’t think I’d be able to blag my way though 4 Russian checkpoints to visit my not elderly, but as I said elderly mother

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Lol, would you fly a plane, man a machine gun or sail with navy come war do you reckon? Are you of fighting age?

Fat Frogs & Baby Guinness……

I’d fly a drone.

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