Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

One of the best thing to happen to Ireland was the poles coming over. A great people


Serious gymnastics there to get to that final paragraph. Well done. Never waste a good crisis as they say.


Well I see the Ukrainians are calling for the bodies of dead Russian soldiers to be treated with respect and calling for the Red Cross to come in. As a nation that wants to join the EU, I have no doubt that they would want to follow France’s lead on honouring people who die in conflicts not of their making.

Unfortunately the Rastoolers in Ireland don’t want that. They want to take us back in time.

This being the era of doubling down on dickheadedness, one is not hopeful of the latter happening.


These Russian fellas appear to be particularly useless cunts. You’d fear once Putin realises this he might just resort to bombing the absolute fuck out of Ukraine instead.

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They made heroes out of a few owl lads in caves in Afghanistan.

I always wondered why the connection of the refusal for planning of the expansion of the Russian Embassy by the Irish government (who clearly saw it as a security threat) to Russia’s hack of the health service here wasn’t investigated by the media here. It seemed pretty obvious that this was the kind of shithousery that Russia would have engaged in here as revenge and a warning.

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Kelly, Big Joe, Crapgame and Oddball would teach them a thing or two.

This is the real biggie of a threat in the sporting and cultural world.

Other countries need to back the Poles up big time here. If FIFA don’t throw Russia out, that means they have to throw Poland out. If that happens, every other team in all of the pay-offs, all of the continents, need to refuse to play.


I say most of the Russians are conscripted and couldn’t give a fuck. Will walk back once they hear the Ukrainians are fighting back


Theres no issue with their bodies being repatriated. It’s quite another thing to glorify an invaders memory at the national graveyard.

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Invader? Shur Paddy welcomed them in.

Nah, that was just the like of John bruton

Well before Bruton

The O’Moores fought to the death but eventually got planted and the rest of Ireland carried on as if nothing happened. The boys in the Pale opened the doors throughout history

“Glorify” - it’s honouring people who died, mostly in conflicts they did not create. In time I would hope that the young Russian soldiers who die for Putin’s war will be honoured in some way in the Ukraine, just as the French took the mature decision to honour all those who died in World War I.

Sadly many in Ireland are too immature for that.

@artfoley must think the Brits invaded Dublin and Wexford and Cahersiveen in 1953.


Superb move.
3d chess


And all the lovely memorials to the dead of the Waffen SS across the Eastern Front.

I suspect the cash cow that is the trip to the US around St Patrick’s Day had a bearing

Yours full of it this morning Tim.

You forget that the French were imperialists as well. Is there plaques to honour the French soldiers in Algeria or tunisia, or perhaps vietnam.