Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

That apartment block hit in Kyiv earlier, had it been evacuated earlier?

Looking at the damage it’s miraculous no one was killed.

Vic has only ever said he won’t take unlimited amounts of refugees as Hungary would lose its identity and its resources are finite.

In todays world that makes him everything the woke crew want. Putin ally, Trump ally, anti Gay etc etc.

Germany has a veto to block any weapons it has ever supplied or sold being further sent onwards to a war zone. They’ve just agreed to not to block Estonia and Netherlands sending hundreds of RPGs to Estonia. Hopefully they can get them there quickly enough.



Sanction VPNs :grinning:

There was a man on the news who’s kids were injured

Tweet there mentioning that he wanted to kill the current President and install a puppet regime. I don’t understand how that would be so difficult with Russian special ops rumoured to be in the capital and your man floating?

Charlie wants to sentence him to ……DELETION


100% Sums up social media and peoples outrage to be seen to be outraged. You can be anti war and see this is utterly wrong. If you are lost and still calling for both sides to stop you are utterly wrong. Putin is in the wrong and needs to go. If you want everything to go back to how the world was on Monday you either are clueless or supporting putin. End of. War is wrong, putin is worse.

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Surprise surprise

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Does anyone know the whereabouts of the Admiral Kuznetsov? My sources indicate Putin is about to deploy the big guns

Ryan Tubridy has displayed a Ukrainian flag on his various social media outlets. This could be a turning point


Has he many assembled to join him?

I would have kept him. And filletted him every evening on the six one about the war and hse hack. Evidence of lying for the hauge. Keep the cunt here and hand him over. No diplomatic immunity Russia has thrown all international law into the bin already

Is he having moy Park Chicken for dinner also.

10 Downing Street is lit up with the Ukrainian colours I will go there tonight to stand with them for 2 minutes, take a photo for Instagram and then go home and watch Netflix and get a takeaway. I will then express my anger on Twitter


This from the ape who spent 2 years moaning on twitter about the Irish government handling of Covid from an apartment in Portugal


You’ll be exhausted after all that