Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

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Some auld Russian political bint taking a break from the vodka to go off on one on RT here

God bless them all.

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Russia is not a homogenous country. All sorts of bits of it are just waiting to fall off.

In terms of circumstance, it would require a war against the west in which Russia is routed. Which you don’t want. So currently it would seem unlikely. But not out of the question.

Geographically? I guess you’d have an independent Chechnya, Dagestan, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Siberia, etc. You’d split Moscow and St. Petersburg into different countries, maybe have a south western republic, all with handpicked leaders/regimes, democracy after a few years.

How would you do it? Nuremberg trials and mass imprisonments/executions for those who ran the regimes would be a prerequisite. Wholesale rewriting of history away from the fake Russian version. Western troops stationed in at least the near parts on a permanent basis. Demilitarisation. And the whole thing restructured to serve western economic interests.

Basically what happened to Germany.

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You have a clearly unhinged world leader with his finger on the nuclear button, its telling that the only people giving him any credence anymore are the the same lads who worshipped Trump. They will be in ribbons now until Monday night without Tucker telling them what to think

You started a whole thread in his honor, such was your adoration and admiration for Putin.

That was then this is now. Why are you still supporting a maniac?


I wonder firstly if this is in fact true and secondly if so would these kind of messages have given them second thoughts?

I don’t support him and would love to see him vaporized.

But it’s very naive of posters to ignore the larger geopolitical issues at play here.

Is it an ego thing with you?

Or is it because Tucker tells you to?

Which is it?

Lay off the sauce.

Lay off the Fox News

Getting more and more pessimistic about this.

I think tonight will be a night of shame for the world, for those who perpetrate what is happening, and those who stood by while it happened.


Man City say no to war

Their owners did not vote against Russia



Disgusting. There is an illness at the heart of man.

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I agree with every point. I’d add that the world needs to bring these new nations into the global community and into the EU for the European parts of what is Russia. The lessons from the aftermath of both world wars is reparations caused the second world war and the EU and various international communities increased peace. The long term goal has to be peace and not punish the people of Russia but punish the leaders as you said


Are you on the hunt for a new team again mate?

The bombing has begun in kyiv according to cnn

Don’t lose hope. War brings out the best in man as well as the worst. Their are many good people doing everything they can, such things not even twitter can know about. This will backfire on Putin in ways he never thought possible

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