Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

“Neutral” means Russia can invade whenever it wants. Neutral means an unguarded hen house.

We see what “neutral” meant for Ukraine.



What’s that got to do with it? Should Poland and the Baltics be client states of Russia? What does neutral mean? I think this week’s invasion is enough, don’t you? Fix yourself a cocktail and watch Fox News.


If that’s a victory for you :+1:

Bar a humiliating defeat of the kind Germany suffered in World War II which changes everything, I think that is unlikely.

No Tucker tonight alas to tell him what to think

This is why ultimately Russia likely needs to be broken up.

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Is Sean Hannity still on the go?

The Internet has changed the globe, arguably at times negatively but for the most part positively.

Generations move on, this shock wave potentially now is worse for Putin than the West imo.

Would any country need to ask for membership of NATO without fear of a dictator next door?

He is. He has taken a different position to Tucker hence the general befuddlement you are seeing from the Trump brigade here

Organised crime, bribery, lies etc are so endemic in Russian culture and there is such an overlap with the state - they are basically indivisible - that I think it will be very difficult to reform it as a society without a German style reckoning.

Not at all from what I’ve watched since this invasion began.

Who suggested that? Are you surprised at Putin? He’s only been warning of this since 2008.

This campaign has the hallmark of Napoleon’s campaign in Russia itself for Putin. Yes he took Moscow ultimately but it was the beginning of the end for him when sent home with tae in mug

You really haven’t a clue.i’m sure you impress Billy Bob on a Saturday night in palookaville but your bullshit doesn’t cut it here.


Serious question.

How could that be done geographically without the mother of all civil wars?

A bit for China to the Far East, a Russian state, a Muslim state?

The proud boys need things ladybirded in plain English

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Was he warning of a Ukrainian attack on Russia or perhaps a nation becoming a hindrance to his swelling greedy pockets?
