Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Some people just want to watch the world burn I see

If you want to watch the world burn, you’ll be supporting Russia, so.

You clearly have Russia anxiety. A common ailment within the rich myopic West

Russia is a 100% malevolent actor. It’s aim is to destroy democracy in the west and create a world of kleptocratic states where imperial might rules.

Europe has not seen such a threat since Hitler.

Anybody who thinks otherwise is utterly deluded.

Russia has categorically proven the case for NATO’s existence with its criminal behaviour on the international stage over the last two decades.

You’re replying to him as if he’s serious but it seems obvious that Laz is taking the piss?

It doesn’t seem obvious at all.

Lots of people believe the shit he believes because propaganda works.

Europe my bollox. You’re conveniently ignoring US overthrows to saddle Ukraine with a US friendly government, to exploit Ukraine under the pretence of the "free market’ and all the while stripping the country of its assets. Up until the so called uprising the Ukraine had been resistant to the IMF, then post it the new gov becomes magically in favour of it. Billions get pumped into the Ukraine from the US in favour of democracy :smiley:… And like every other country the US invades through the IMF, the cost of living rises, wages don’t meet this rise, natural resources are all sold off and on and on…

Democracy my bollox.

You seem to be falling for things hook line and sinker anyway.

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Overthrows my bollox.

The Russian-backed kleptocrat who got voted in as president of Ukraine in 2010 murdered his own people on the streets of Kiev in 2014 before fleeing to Russia of his own accord.

The reason there were protests in the first place was because Yanukovych refused to sign the EU association agreement that had been democratically voted for.

The same guy who ran Yanukovych ran Trump - Paul Manafort.

Russia has no business in Ukraine. Ukraine wants to be part of the family of democratic European nations. Youse lot think it should be a colony of Russia. The exact same ideology that says Ireland should be forcibly returned to the UK.

You seem to think some people don’t genuinely believe the shit they post.

If only that were so.

I’ve no love for Russia, but democracy is just an illusion. It’s a nice slogan the west hides behind but in reality it’s a less brutal way of doing what Russia and China does. The result is the same.

That’s how I read a lot of stuff on here anyway. Laz and Choco on the wind up and you swallowing the lot of it and hammering away the keyboard in righteous response is what it looks like to me.


You’re an awful eejit when you want to be, which is most of the time nowadays.

Captain Irony again.

Project, project!

OK Tucker.

You’re refuting US overthrows in Ukraine?

Why is the cycle the same everywhere the IMF/The US have gone in the name of democracy? Install a government that will relax obstacles for corporates to come in and transfer public wealth to private hands? Create massive debt, widen division between rich and poor, cost of living spikes…

I’m not defending Russia, I’ve no time for what Putin stands for but let’s not be so naive. The US isn’t pouring billions into any country in the name of democracy.

I wonder how @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy feels about the Russians coming adding further destruction to our ecosystem

Concerns over impact of sonar on whales as Russia plans naval exercises

Sent via @updayIE

That’s certainly the pattern in Ireland since the IMF arrived. Enough is enough.