Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

What assets did we have left to privitize? Water was one and thanks to large scale protest we didn’t for now… We certainly relaxed laws or regulations around foreign investors buying up property, we walked them in. How did that work out? Ireland had long sold out to corporatism before the IMF.

Sure Jeremy

What natural resources?

Last year the Ukraine gov was turning 300 small SOEs into 5 big companies that they were gonna sell off to foreign corporates for billions… There’s your democracy.

No that’s synergy

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Yeah. Sure :grinning:

Haven’t they huge untapped gas supplies? I believe a large chunk of this was magically privatized last year also.

It’s hilarious to see how naive the hard leftists are. They’ll swallow anything as long as it’s sold as good triumphing over evil.

Lads whose knowledge about Ukraine ended at Andriy shevchenko a week ago are now expert enough to have diametrically opposed entrenched views.

The TFK way.


Something had to fill the gap.

@Cheasty has to be really angry over something

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Those apes off the coast of Kerry are going to cause a diplomatic incident and anger Russia with their peaceful protest in the waters with their phones out taking selfies.


The lads in Dingle will probably make a tourist attraction out of it

Tis a cod

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if Ireland had proper diplomats we would have quietly advised the Russian Navy of the Irish fisherman’s troubling of our State - what with the fishermen’s constant whining, quota fiddling and tax avoidance, the chess playing Russians would be understanding of our plight and the missiles would not have to be wasted

In 2011 the Ukrainian people (democracy) voted that any gas fracked in the Ukraine remains in the Ukraine so the country could become energy independent. They had been buying from Russia up to then. Their main aim was to stop foreign multinationals profiting off Ukrainian gas … 10 years later, with a US friendly government installed and billions pumped into Ukraine, 20% of Ukrainian gas supplies is privatized.

That must be a massive benefit to the Ukrainian economy?

Cat got your tongue @glasagusban ?

Oh huge, billions being saddled on them by the IMF for generations to come and now their natural resources being sold off…

Sounds like the same path Ireland took. Quite promising for Ukraine.

Yeah, their whole country being sold from underneath them and they’ll have to pay high prices to get a slice of it back just to live… Sounds very promising.

Worked for us.