Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

You’re taking one point of view on that.

Read the article @cheasty posted above.

Irish Independence wasn’t fought because the British had packed up & fucked off home.

Putin has destroyed the lives of many Russian leaning Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine.

The war in eastern Ukraine was entirely created by Putin.

I’d say there are some real dangerous customers among the women and children alright.


Yes because there are zero male refugees when it comes to war(adolescent males take up a sizeable percentage and historically always have) Poland have taken in over 2 million refugees up to now? How many of that figure will the Polish government repatriate after the conflict?

The vast majority of refugees want to go home. Some of them in their innocence think they’ll only be away for a few weeks but the penny is dropping. The Polish Government has fully opened the borders, labour markets and education systems to the refugees without restriction. I don’t anticipate them repatriating people forcibly. People will go home when they can. But an EU wide solution is needed.


Why is this relevant? Would you like not let them in if you thought they wouldn’t go home?

A letter to a paper from some random priest is the best that you can come up with?

You said lots of criminals have been let in as refugees in recent years. I’d say that’s bullshit myself.

That’s your view, others have their view. Yours is no more important than anyone elses but you seem to think otherwise. I’m sure plenty of people would ship you off for decent Ukrainians too.

Ireland is about 10th richest in the EEC, plenty good with it but plenty of problems too. Dig below the false GDP and you see a country with poor health care, a housing crisis and an extremely high cost of living. Yet you can’t understand why some people might be worried about adding another 200k to the country? None of which means they are opposed to actually taking in refugees. There seems to be a touch of I’m alright jack emanating from you if you don’t mind me saying so. What about the I’m not alright jacks?
Your little hissy fit and demanding your own way is something akin to a child’s MO. You’ve also gone and done what’s being done to @glenshane here for weeks, making things up. No one said refugees are not welcome, nor that they shouldn’t be housed. But they could be here for the long term and Irish governments are not good at planning - the refugees themselves deserve better than being dumped here there and everywhere. I think sensible people want the best for everyone and recognise there will be knock-ons as a consequence. It’s not just about screaming to have their worldview met.


Two crumbling empires clinging onto each other.


I have travelled a fair bit. Ireland I reckon is the richest country per capita I have ever visited bar, maybe, Switzerland. It has to be to sustain the prices.


What prices?

Restaurants, hotels, drink, food, clothing etc etc.

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The only fella screaming is yourself pal Dooley. Screaming you don’t want to help refugees. I try to avoid reading anything from glenshane, in general I think he’s a disaffected and angry idiot that repeats conspiracy theories.

Ireland is the 10th richest country in the EEC you say? Would you be surprised to learn that the EEC ended in 1993?

To clarify, I’m very happy with any knock on consequences of 200k Ukrainian refugees arriving. You appear to have an issue with it. That says a lot about you.

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Decent article, but maybe some cognitive bias on my part.
I agree entirely with the bit at the end about making it clear the west will rebuild Ukraine.


I found myself nodding along to that.

I would say rather than the West refusing to acknowledge Ukraines success they are merely being cautious though, if they were to say Ukraine is winning, and then they suffered some knock backs it might suck the life out of attempts to support them, arm them etc. It is better to under promise over deliver.

The sources seem to be agreeing that there has been a massive fight back on the outskirts of Ukraine though, they have pushed the Russians back bigly. If they could encircle a load of them and get a surrender that would be massive. Also moving them backwards quickly hopefully means they’ll leave a shit load of their gear behind as they have been doing all along, without being pushed back.

Very sad that all this means Putin is just going to fucking level the place though


Your last line is exactly the thing unfortunately.

How much of that is down to neo liberalism, or lack of policies, from the Irish government over the last 10 or so years? I’d say many families are just about getting by, with enough struggling also. I don’t think it’s a true reflection of wealth. Wages certainly aren’t rising at the same rate. Ireland isn’t poor but the numbers that place Ireland 1st or 2nd in the EU are also skewed. We’re nearer to midway in the EEC 26.

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Again, you’ve reverted to making things up. Seems to be a common trend around here by people trying to justify themselves.

We are extremely lucky on the refugee front because we are a small island on the very west of europe. There are very few direct routes here from countries where people usually flee. Frankly, a lot of them havent heard of Ireland and would rather go live in places more famous, or where their friends are. Places like London, France, germany etc. We get far less per capita than other places. And we sent people all over the world from here for over 150 years. Lads moaning about refugees really annoy me.
Considering how many undocumented irish there are all over the world, id say we can suck up a few extra dodgy folk.