Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Morto for @cheasty


Top moderating from the senior moderator.

The topic, however, may slide surreptitiously into the Things that are wrong thread and proceed unrestrained on it’s not so merry way.

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In all fairness tjere are very few lads capable of having a genuine conversation about Ukraine, Russia the US or anywhere else for that matter. There’s not much interest in anything outside of the narrative presented by the indo or bbc/rte. The fact that this was accurately predicted, warned about and quite possibly agitated for is offensive to most people.
Debate…learning …aye.

It’s the only dopamine the dopes can get - arguing with lads on the INTERNET.

Please expand on this….

Is it argued that Ukraine voting in a President with 70% majority was an inflammatory factor here?

Is it argued that privatisation of some sectors by Western companies was inflammatory?
If so, it’s that not hypocritical considering the forces at play with Natural resources in Russia & the distribution of those assets to certain people?

Is the urge of bordering nations to Russia to join the European Union or NATO seriously been seen as inflammatory too? Considering the actions of Putin although none of the above has happened.

Personally, if I want info from TV media it’s Al Jazerra for me.

Big Joe laying down the law tonight in Warsaw.

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Joe has had a great few days NATO United more than ever a true leader in difficult times

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Yknow what mate, he has to go

Big Joe sending a clear message tonight

The White House has been forced to walk back some of Biden’s comments. The White House is insisting that regime change in Russia is NOT official policy.

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Smart move in fairness if true from the Russians.

Short term maybe.

Long term he is sentencing his own people to further poverty. Or is that acceptable to trod upon Ukrainians?

Some shitshow in fairness. Everyone agitating like mad for war. The US eschews diplomacy in favour of provocation just as Vlad is taking an absolute hammering, whilst holding arrillery and worse in reserve. The astute among us are wondering why western media is reporting that putin has kidnapped a few hundred thousand Ukrainians only to give them tents and soup. Meanwhile the heroic zelensky is valiantly pursuing democracy while banning several communist parties from his parliament
Imagine refusing to provide a humanitarianism


Reserve currency in terms of oil and gas to other friendly emerging markets would be an unbelievable win for them. Its actually a potential game changer.

Don’t be fooled into thinking either side (west or east) give a fuck really about innocent people. They absolutely don’t unfortunately.

They’re the facts sadly… Russia should never have invaded the Ukraine - we all agree on that.

I think our best hope now is that they piss off back to Moscow with a bit of the Donbass region.

Putin can claim it as a win and we move on. I don’t see a better solution coming out of this shitshow.

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…,…Imagine refusing to provide a humanitarian corridor to let Ukrainians out of the city while simultaneously whisking them off to an unknown fate in russia.

11 Ukrainian political parties suspected of collaborating with Russian invaders have been suspended until martial law ends. On social media we can see a lot of false interpretation of this event as of president Zelensky made a fascist turn and banned main left-wing parties.

• Opposition Platform — For Life:
An ultra-conservative party that spreaded conspiracy theories and hatred towards LGBT. Its cooperation with the occupiers is so undisguised that we don’t need to mention it once again. In essence, OpFF was the main agent of Russia’s influence.

• Sharij’s Party:
The leader of the party is an outspoken Nazi who hates Roma, Muslims, blacks, homosexuals, and everyone whom the Nazis are supposed to hate. At the same time, he is fighting ‘Ukrainian Nazism’ led by president Zelensky who is ethnical Jew.

• Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine:
Nazbol vortex, religious fundamentalists, racists and Russian ultranationalists. Aesthetically it was a cheap cosplay of North Korea. At the end of the party’s life, it simply supported pro-Russian presidential candidates.

• Socialist Party of Ukraine:
Party was captured by OpFL member Ilya Kiva. The former leader Alexander Moroz moved to Belarus to glorify the wisdom of dictator Alexander Lukashenko, and the former ideologist moved to the occupied Crimea and accepted Russian citizenship.

• Opposition bloc:
Former zealots of fugitive pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, who begged Vladimir Putin to bring troops to Ukraine to suppress the 2014 revolution. A party of corrupt officials and obvious collaborators.

The other parties — Nashi, Left Opposition, Union of Left Forces, State, Socialists, Vladimir Saldo Bloc — have never been real political actirs and occasionally emerged during the election as spoilers (except of Saldo who ended as an undisguised collaborator).

The Ukrainian left had no contact with them, and I assume that the parties were controlled by the head of this ultra-conservative collaborationism.

Martial law is a time of tough decisions. In addition, I personally would not call temporary suspension of collaborating parties as something brutal. This is not imprisonment or extrajudicial executions.

At the same time, the Ukrainian left — the real left, not the red-brown, bloody shit — is currently fighting against Russian fascism or helping the front.

POTUS is fired up

It’s standard practice to ban the enemy’s mouthpiece in a time of war.

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