Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The video of the aftermath of the same massacre:

Vlad had signed an order to conscript 18-27 year olds.

Queue mass exodus.
As if things weren’t bad enough.

A cronered nuclear rat is dangerous. We can only imagine the feelers going out to alternatives in Moscow

Lawrence Freedman, Emeritus Professor of War Studies King’s College London, on why focussing on Donbas would make no sense for Putin.

At this stage, nothing makes sense for him, there is no good outcome.

Time to pile the agony and the death onto the Russians. End them as a state.

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How do the Russian public square that with the party line of ‘just a military operation’ ?

About 100k IT guys have left Russia already. They might all be spies though.

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With all that is being stated about being a policed state do you believe a 100k can get out of Russia freely?

What avenues could they be using undetected?

An airport? They can and are just leaving.

IT guys can work from anywhere, as can most professionals. My man in Russia tells me he is going to move to Cyprus until it all blows over. He said a lot of Russians are gone to Georgia, Armenia and similar places already


Fly Free John Oliver GIF by Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

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The sort of lads Putin has his eye on as meat to be thrown into the mincer are unlikely to have the means to just up and leave for Cyprus or Armenia very easily.

Perhaps, but it’s a brain drain of all those who can


There’s a reason the EU didn’t want them

Turkey, there’s a hape gone there.

Bah hahahahaha

“The company also confirmed reports that Russian troops had dug trenches in the most contaminated part of the Chernobyl exclusion zone, receiving “significant doses” of radiation. There are unconfirmed reports that some are being treated in Belarus.”

Ukraine war: ‘Most Russian troops’ leaving Chernobyl, Ukraine says Ukraine war: 'Most Russian troops' leaving Chernobyl, Ukraine says - BBC News