Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

They want to regroup and refocus their forces on Donbas. This is their only reason for pulling back. It’s in Ukraine’s interest to keep the Russian forces spread out and engaged on as many fronts as possible.

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Cc. @Cheasty i wonder if they got much intel on whst they were targeting

Where will @glenshane get his independent thinking from now?


Where do you suggest?


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That would be fine, apart from the independent bit, and the thinking part. I’m afraid tfk has been reduced to a few dullards swapping one banality after the other while congratulating themselves for not stepping out of line. It’s amusing to see the likes of @Julio_Geordio etc resorting to silly glib digs- that’s what it’s come to. Popular with the dullards but a dead end really.
There was a time though.


That wan stung @Julio_Geordio

Obviously polls in Russia need to be taken with a grain of salt, especially now, but if this even remotely resembles anything remotely resembling the truth, and I have little doubt it does, the Russian people have to be considered complicit in Putin’s barbarity.

Nothing to do with the fact that they’re being pumped full of fake news and propaganda, no?

Reads €1 a month for 12 months to me.

I’ve always said mass propaganda works while others here have denied it. But there’s a chicken and egg syndrome too. A lot of people will feast on bullshit that appeals to them on a visceral level that appeals to base hatred, and they will dispense with their critical faculties by choice if it makes them feel good. Nationalism, especially of the Russian “great power” sort, is incredibly dangerous. When a country has been fed and has fed itself with eternal victimhood for decades and has proceeded on the myth of making a country "great again", this is the result. The Russian people now are as complicit as the German people were in the crimes of the Nazis.

Making a country “great again” is always a road to disaster. Here’s what that ideology does to others.


Been happening since Yeltsin’s time.

The orks must be defeated


Deborah Haynes Profile picture

Deborah Haynes

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1h • 11 tweets • 4 min read

BREAKING: Demoralised Russian soldiers in Ukraine have accidentally shot down their own aircraft, sabotaged their own kit and refused to carry out orders, Sir Jeremy Fleming, director of the UK spy agency @GCHQ, will reveal in a speech in Australia on Thursday. 1/

The British spy chief is set to use a rare public speech to say it increasingly looks like Russia’s President Vladimir Putin “has massively misjudged the situation” in Ukraine. 2/

The @GCHQ director will also say Wagner, the Russian private military company, is understood to be prepared to “send large numbers of personnel into Ukraine to fight alongside Russians”… They will likely be used as “cannon fodder” to try to limit Russian military losses

Sir Jeremy is also set to say the risks are greater for China than Russia of the two authoritarian states being too closely aligned with each other.
And he will reveal indications that Russian cyber attackers are “looking for targets” in countries opposed to Russia’s war in :ukraine: 4/

The @GCHQ director will say Putin’s advisers are afraid to tell him the truth about what is unfolding in Ukraine, according to an advance copy of the speech, which is taking place at the Australian National University in Canberra.

But “what’s going on & the extent of these misjudgements must be crystal clear to the regime”
Missteps = misjudging :ukraine:resistance; underestimating strength of western response; underplaying economic consequences; over-estimating abilities of :ru:military to secure quick win.

Revealing details about the state of the Russian military operation, Sir Jeremy is expected to say: “We’ve seen Russian soldiers – short of weapons and morale - refusing to carry out orders, sabotaging their own equipment and even accidentally shooting down their own aircraft"

GCHQ did not offer any further details, such as how many aircraft and whether it includes fast jets and attack helicopters.
But the information is understood to be based on intelligence.

In his closed-door speech, the spy chief will touch on the role of mercenaries and foreign fighters to augment the Russian side.
“Recently, we have seen that Wagner looks to be taking it up a gear,” he will say.

More from the @GCHQ director on Wagner: “They are looking at relocating forces from other conflicts and recruiting new fighters to bolster numbers. These soldiers are likely to be used as cannon fodder to try to limit Russian military losses.”

Here is the full article on the speech that the Director of @GCHQ Sir Jeremy Fleming is set to deliver in Australia. A rare public intervention by a top British spy and his first public comments since Russia’s war against Ukraine began


Ukraine war: Russian troops have accidentally shot down own aircraft and refused to carry out orders, UK spy chief to reveal Sir Jeremy Fleming, the head of GCHQ, is set to use a rare public speech to say it increasingly looks like Russia’s President Vladimir Putin “has massively misjudged the situation” in Ukraine.

How are we looking on USD to RUB now lads?

Is there much point in Sir Jezza giving this speech tomorrow since people can just read it themselves on Sky?

Like, it’s more of a recital than a speech at this point.

Nows the time to buy the dip.

Fuckin’ eejits

Vlad watches Kay Burley every morning after judo training.

He has sadness in his eyes.

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