Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I suspect s gulf of tonkin is upon us

We’re heading for the mother and father of all recessions. An old war is great for keeping the economy ticking over. As long as the war is over there.

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If there’s going to be a war between Russia and Europe/US the first thing the Russians will do is blow us off the map for that stunt the Kerry fishermen pulled. Also it’s also been all over RTE news in past few days that our army is tinpot with a few lads standing at the gates of the Curragh with hurleys and the rest playing cards. Nice way to piss off America by blowing up their smartarse drunken pals on the Emerald isle.

No mind Russia, given the state of our defence forces we’d struggle with the Faroe Islands

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Sure what’s the point of having the DF? Fill sandbags for flooding and marching in the paddys day parade. Get rid if them and save the money

Your solution to the current situation was send NATO troops to Ukraine. That’s called escalation. That’s what leads to war pal. You’re the warmonger here.

@glasagusban is an appeaser.

You know you spend too much time on TFK when you’re very first thought reading a Bernie Sanders article is “Cheasty won’t like this”.


@cheasty thinks he’s William Churchill.

Bernie Chamberlain

He’s in close co-operation with the Pentagon.

I warned him about getting the vax

Who’s William Churchill, bud?

What do you think is the best way to avoid war, buddy?

I wouldn’t think provoking a power who could wipe out the world’s population with a few nukes is a wise course of action anyway.

Russia hasn’t been provoked in any way though. Russia is the aggressor.

What do you think is the best way forward here?

In your own words?

Deescalation, talks, mediation, negotiation. Macron gets it. You’re on the Bojo side.

Maintaining diplomacy, dialogue and open communication.

You’re trolling now.

Macron’s primary focus in going to Moscow was to try and get on Putin’s good side so that Putin won’t interfere in the French election.

Macron also went on a solo run over the head of Ukraine.

Russia already occupies part of Ukraine. Do you think Ukraine was right to fight Russia when Russia invaded in 2014?

Do you think if Russia escalates its invasion of Ukraine in the near future, that Ukraine would be correct to fight?

That’s grand, but what if there is no tenable diplomatic solution that will satisfy Russia?

Any diplomatic solution that will satisfy Russia means forced capitulation for Ukraine.

Why should Ukraine accept that?

And it would greatly embolden Russia in its quest to destroy democracy in the rest of Europe and the US.