Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Mr Putin is free to amass as many troops as he wants inside the Russian border.

I don’t think any countries have the stomach to put troops in. Does that mean they should not?

Britain and France followed a policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany. Does that mean they were correct to do so?

The Soviets collaborated with the Nazis. Does that mean they were correct to do so?

You say NATO troops would not make Putin back down. Russia has around 100k troops or slightly more camped on the Ukrainian border. If there were 100k NATO troops camped on the Ukrainian border, in addition to the Ukrainian army and a hostile civilian population, you still think Putin would invade Ukraine?

You must think Putin is even more nuts than I do.

Another 50 posts overnight. I thought Putin was in Kiev eating chicken

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Another thread absolutely fucked

@Cheasty doing a bit of war mongering last night

He’s free to amass all the chicken he wants in Russian territory.

Looks like we have a war mongerer right here.

Off to the LAD bible with ya.

Perfectly normal one from Putin the other day, just threatening nuclear war, as you do.

I think he has started to genuinely believe his own bullshit like Hitler in his lair during World War II and that’s what makes this situation very dangerous.

Here we go, looks like the war @Cheasty wanted is finally upon us

You want the war, buddy, and so does your hero Putin. You’re like what Dimmy and Labane would have been like in the run up to the invasion of Iraq.

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Maybe your hero Boris will save the day yet?

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Boris is your hero, buddy. Don’t think your going over to the dark side since the start of the pandemic has been forgotten.

You were the one singing his praises during Covid not me. Now he’s giving it the billy big balls to Russia just like you in a desperate play to save face.
When you lie down with dogs and all that pal

The US/Ukraine backers won’t be happy until there’s a war. They’re actively provoking Russia to start it.


The Ukrainians are “provoking” the Russians in the same way Harriet Robson “provoked” Mason Greenwood.

I hear War is good for the arms industry


Mid terms coming up. The Democrats are going to be bate over the head with Afghanistan. He needs to be seen as strong on foreign policy.

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It’s obvious as fuck what’s going on here.