Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)


Eight days later and that tune is still stuck in my fecking head.


The Ukrainians are at pains to treat their orc-ish POW’s properly. Truly the Ukrainians are what they claim to be and are fighting for a European values.

A list of international companies still operating in Russia.

And there are at least two Irish ones there.

Kerry Group and Kingspan.

Kerry Group aren’t really Irish anymore though are they? Bought out by septic tanks?

Ffs. I think the word is out on that one…even the bbc, guardian and nyc are reporting the news at this stage. Its a horrible business, no matter where your vantage point is

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Would you blame them? The Orc’s been Orcin’ let’s not forget who invaded who.

Ps: The slow posting thing is a real drag.

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The mobile crematoriums the Russian Nazis brought with them were not meant for their own, they were meant for Ukrainian civilians.

An inevitable result of the “denazification” rhetoric.

20 Ukrainian kids starting in our primary school tomorrow. Didnt think there would be as many around here but obviously the holiday homes have been filled right up. Can only hope again that even things like this help somewhat on the kids in particular to try get some normality back into their lives.


Good luck to them all. Put a hurl in their hands.


I don’t mean this in a contrary way or to pot stir but I’m just curious. I think some hotels are taking in families or people from the war and that’s great. I’m just curious are these hotels volunteering or is there some selection policy ? I think I read here the red cow is taking a lot in and that was used as a covid over flow or was ear marked to at one point.

Like I know there’s a lot of hotels printing money but there must be plenty that are struggling massively as well.

The government pays the hotels.


You’ll still have a few idiots on here trying to blame a few corrupt politicians on Ukraine for this.

Is it Pew-tin or Poo-tin
Or something different altogether?

Depends if you are from Waterford/South KK or not.