Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

What’s the point of these sanctions? Were they an attempt to inflict a short term hit on the russian economy with the aim of encouraging a revolution? That looks to have failed. Long term they will have little effect bar making russia switch from selling to a small handful of western democracies to supplying and eager india, china, Africa etc. Meanwhile they’ll probably cause a few years of significant firther hardship or famine in africa and india, and disgruntled consumers in the west.
Or are they partly motivated by a simple moral imperative? If so what is the morality of america rraping the awards of arming Ukraine with sufficient arms to blled themselves out simply to harm russia economically and militarily.
Long term it looks like russia and whatever parts of Ukraine etc it can grab will end up behind an iron curtain, the age of global interdependence is over, the arms race will be kicked up several notches and military spending will soar.
I appreciate that there will be implications for a possible strengthening of a china/russia alliance…but @mikehunt will guide us in yhese complex matters.

And @glenshane.

It’s quite an achievement to make yourself look like more of a dick with each post you make on here. Well done.


Sorry where do I look now? Getting whiplash at this stage.

You’ve turned into a complete fucking clown. Virtue signalling to the dimwits and lying through your teeth. Are you really that much of a coward than you have to behave like this? Do you think every discussion has to be some low brow obvious condemnation game? If youve nothing intelligent to say why not just shut up and read a book, or listen to a podcast.

That’s tough viewing.

Buried him herself in the back yard.

of course there is. There was one twitter account being retweeted, the moon of alabama or something, that had a timeline of events and the Russians leaving, as if this random right wing American anonymous twitter account was some sort of verified fact finding account.

There is probably a heap of propaganda type shite on the Ukranian side too. But this isnt one of those.

All typed from the comfort of your farmstead in Co Derry?

No. Why?

Genuine inquiry here, what has you so extremely angry and disaffected and bitter with the world? It must be exhausting for you.

So Russia will sell more to India but this will also cause a famine in India.

jennifer lawrence ok GIF

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Boys but you’re thick. “A few years of significant further hardship or famine”. Its fascinating to watch the sub-mental contortions you lads are indulging in of late.
Selling gas is one thing, selling wheat is another. Never mind the issues and knock-on effects surrounding switching from from supplier or trade route to another. There’s lads on here think Germany should just go out with a spanner,shut off a pipeline and that’ll be the end of the matter. It could take years to reduce dependence by 50%.

India has an oversupply of wheat and are looking to sell more to other countries to make up the Ukraine/Russian shortfall. Did you not yet that on your podcast?

Of course having an oversupply of something does not mean you can’t cause a famine or hardship in your country, history tells us that. But that’s up to India to manage really.

It’s obvious why there are sanctions against Russia I mean someone who pushes so call realism can clearly see why they are there ffs. More contrarianism from you.

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Who’s fault is all this? Is there a Podcast you listen that lays blame anywhere bar Russia?

Calm down petal. Serious anger issues on display here.

Vindication for @Cheasty yet again, who predicted genocide under the guise of “denazification”. Appalling stuff.



A most unseemly outburst. He’d do well now to chill the beans and just admit he got this one wrong. It happens