Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Mate[quote=“glenshane, post:5713, topic:16906, full:true”]

I really dont want to disturb the children with a grown up conversation. But you could just use a decent search engine and search azov along with any of the following: UN, Amnesty International, Igor Kolomoisky, CIA, 2014 Coup, torture, beheading etc.

And dont listen to anyone describing them as neo nazis, there’s nothing neo about them- they have a tradition that goes back to himmler and the ss. Says so on their badge

What they’re at now is anyone’s guess, but it almost certainly involves murdering Ukrainians…unless they called a ceasefire a few weeks ago. When the dust settles you’ll probably also find they’re butchering POWs, using human shields, tying kids to lampposts etc.

You asked.

Mate, is this the reason Putin invaded Ukraine?

I agree partially on sanctions. They obviously do fuck the poorest folk as the richest can buy their way out of it. And the rest of the developed world will very much gobble up the wheat and grain anywhere ahead of poorer african nations. But they also do fuck up some of the very richest Russians in that it denies them their all important lifestyles. Cutting out russian banks is massive. And businesses left in their droves. The sanctions were a very powerful message. They are trying to do as much as they can without actually stepping into ukraine.


Has Harry or any of the shrieking crew managed to find that post where you or anyone on the forum has supported the invasion, or the brutality of it or indeed Putin? It’s been nearly two days now since they were asked.


Any updates since @backinatracksuit ?

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No you disingenuous dullard, i didn’t ignore china …sure didn’t i leave the floor open to the self appointed authorities ro expond further.
I would have mentioned the probably unforeseen consequence of sanctions cooling Jinping’s own expansionist notions, i even considered calling this a ‘bonus’ -just to sate the mongrels following me around, but they deserve nothing. But i thought it best to go slowly. Clearly i was right.

Thank you @carryharry. I was actually half way though scanning and admiring the cool eloquent logic of your post when i realised I’d written it myself. Was i right or what? But in answer to your question, i doubt that their behaviour post invasion helped make up putin’s mind pre invasion. Great stuff though, even you remembered it.

Could you not come out now and state clearly that there were no outside reasons for Putin in this. This was a muscle flexing move.

Or are you of the opinion that outside forces forced his hand into protective measures?

You’re lashing out like mad now. Take a break.

You’ve chosen to stubbornly persist in backing the wrong horse here.

The posts on this topic from @glenshane are reminiscent of some contributions from others after the murder of George Floyd. When there is a pattern of whataboutery and constant attempts at moral equivalency then that tells you everything you need to know about someone’s mindset.

There doesn’t have to be a “smoking gun” post. It’s blindingly obvious to everyone, you included, what Glenshane is up to. But I guess you enjoy the attention of being a “different” voice even when it’s as ludicrous as this one.


I’ve been fairly consistent on here with my sympathies to the Ukrainian people but also fully aware the political situation pre invasion was extremely complicated. I don’t necessarily agree with everything Glenners is saying but he should be able to say it without being labelled pro Putin or pro slaughter of innocents. I’m not backing horses or sides, I’ll leave that to the shrieking marys on here. I generally don’t think in sides , I just do my own thing.


And yet that’s an interesting tone and choice of words for a self proclaimed neutral observer.


Can you point out to us how the political landscape in Ukraine has inflamed the situation to the stage where it was okay for Putin to invade.

I’m struggling to understand what you’re trying to get at here. You keep churning out the line that all wasn’t well in Ukraine.

Things aren’t okay next door in Belarus. Why isn’t Putin wading in there?

If it walks like a Mary, screams like a Mary, what else would one call it?

@carryharry , I never once said the invasion was justified. No one did. You’ve got this weird notion into your head that any negative discussion on the state of Ukraine pre invasion is a nod of approval by those pointing out faults or corruption. You’re not alone in that. What’s happening to the ordinary people of Ukraine is horrific, upsetting on many levels… You can still talk about state corruption or US interference in the country without being a Russian apologist.

You little cunt.


That is utterly pathetic. This pile on started when @Malarkey repeatedly referenced some half remembered throwaway remark on a music thread…a call to arms on my part apparently. Anything i said about the 2014 coup, the reasons for putins popularity in russia, nazi militias etc can be found in mainstream commentary, respected journalism, humanitarian organisations, records of the US congress etc, and I’ve backed up anything ive said.
You dont think context, corruption, foreign interests, nato expansion, CIA involvement, regime change etc can be discussed here? Fine, dumb it down all you want.
I see youve resorted to evoking george floyd here, and conspiracy theorists elsewhere. That’s typical of fellas that have nothing to say.
As for a smoking gun? You have got absolutely nothing to back up what you’re saying here. Nothing.Maybe some sort of personal resentment is the motivation. You should just say what it is…or hide behind the algorithm.
If I’ve said something to justify any of it show me where. Ive said plenty about context, putins motivations, americas motivations etc. Big deal. Elsewhere others are having these conversations. If you don’t want me here be man enough to ban me. Turn the place into some sort of woke dreamland full of androgynous disney princexes for all i care. At least be a man about it.

As for whataboutery and moral equivalence? There’s any amount of stuff that i could post if that was my motivation or state of mind. Essentially you’re accusing me of justifying or condoning slaughter of innocents. What a disgusting cowardly puerile thing to say. You should be ashamed of yourself

@Thomas_Brady …no. No-one has supported any of their claims…but it’s a bit of a feeding frenzy now so well hardly see anything or anyone of substance coming up with anything of substance.


Who’s the screaming Mary now :smile:

I never said you were a Russian apologist but what has the state of Ukrainian politics got to do with the conversation? You seem intent on raising it….

The chap you are crusading for has talked about Western interference, Nazi groups & Coups…. All of which is bullshit posturing of course.
The people of Kyiv stood up to the Russian puppet during Maidan in 2014 & that upset Putin.
It made the cunt worry that insubordination could seep into his patch….

He’s doing it again by the way…. :point_up:

You can muddy the waters but no one can question those statements?

You’ve backed the wrong horse, throwing horseshit about the house is a pointless exercise now.

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My phone is acting up so can’t WhatsApp you… I’ll post it here for you.

@carryharry , I’ve literally no idea what you’re trying to say bar latching onto Rocko’s ‘wrong horse’ quip… A case in point in itself I suppose.

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This is gas…
“ Ukraine’s replacing its democratically elected neutralist Government in February 2014 “

A President who ordered the attacking of a Peaceful protest by Students.

The Government who at the last minute refused to follow through on EU membership efforts? Who aligned back to Russia? Where did that President scraper off to?

The site screams neutral opinions by the way……

Sounds like an RT type.

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What in god’s name are you rabbiting about? I posted the article for Glenners without any comments whatsoever on the veracity of it.

Seriously, you need to take a take a step back here. You’re seeing bogey men everywhere on this thread.

Is the level of tripe you’re reading?


I read material from multiple sources. Stuff I agree, and more importantly, disagree with. I occasionally might even read one of your posts.

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