Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

A self professed historian and all.

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Chocolate Tom is a critical thinker who questions everything* and refuses to be one of the sheeple.

Like Matt Le Tissier.

*Except Russian propaganda.


The Russians say the Ukrainians bombed the train station themselves. There you are now @Thomas_Brady

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The Ukrainians supposedly being Nazis is something to do with borscht, says their drunk spokeswoman.

Insert inane quip about taking the soup in your reply.

Trying to cover up war crimes with utter absurdity is a very post-modern Putinist/Trumpist tactic.

Look at you, name calling repeatedly like the little child not getting his own way… You’re windmilling so far from the content of the story, which is 100% true, that the only person here whose judgement is impaired is clearly you.

I posted 1 other article here for Glenners, without any comment whatsoever on the content, and that might have questional links.
So not only are you blinded with rage, you’re over stretching the truth with your hysteria.

Clearly, you badly need a break from the internet, it’s gotten the better of you here.

I’m glad to see the other circle jerkers are piling on as has been the MO of the thread so far. Consistency is key.


She must be just back from Zhivirnovski’s funeral

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Dig in, double down, standard. You’ve shown yourself up to be a stupid fuck. I’m embarrassed for you. You may as well fuck off to Facebook with @glenshane altogether.


Goway outta dat. Tisnt so long ago you were calling all and sundry “retards” and “handicaps” yacuntya.

Also @cheasty that drunk Russian spokeslady seems to think this special military operation is over the recipe for borscht. Is this a euphuism for something else that’s getting lost in translation I wonder.

There you are now, anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a circle jerker.

Agree with him about what?

I’m glad you’ve come around to my way of thinking on Chocolate Tom from your pre-war position where you claimed he was just pulling the piss.

Turns out he really had turned into Matt Le Tissier, without any of the football ability or the easy going, slack jawed Channel Islands yokel charm.

So much anger and bitterness.

You’re throwing the pram here because I posted an article that is 100% accurate … But, but, but Russia is about all you can muster in response to Zelensky sending a Nazis out to the civilized world.

And then we get to the - fuck off to Facebook… Standard from you lot. @Cheasty and @carryharry wanted people silenced on this thread at different stages also… Why is trying to silencing free speech your lot’s go to tactic?

@Fagan_ODowd - I’ve no problem with people disagreeing with me. Trying to attribute lies and falsities to people is a different story. Another tried and tested tactic on here.

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Poor Chocolate Tom is resorting to lies and imagined victimhood now.

Like a typical narcissistic sociopath, he treats war purely as a vehicle for his own self gratification, using twisted attempts at “bantz” as a veil to cloak his genuinely appalling views.

Tragically we are now moving into a situation where there are only two possibilities - i) total war on Russia, or ii) a holocaust of Ukrainians.

i) would at least prevent ii), which is already in its early stages, going much further.

There is no longer a place for Russia on the earth as a state. Any future for the people which now inhabit the territory of what is still known as Russia will depend on a historical reckoning and a repudiation of Russia as a state and its history. It will require generations of de-brainwashing.

Russia never encountered the historical reckoning that Germany did and what we are seeing now flows from that.

Germany, for its part, needs to understand that over the last decade plus it has demanded massive sacrifices be made by other countries to try and solve the European debt crisis, and so now, ending purchases of any Russian energy immediately is a sacrifice it has to make.

Oh lawrdy :smiley:… This coming from the poster that gets entrenched in every crisis running as a self confessed expert… oh the ironing.


That hurt Chocolate Narcissist.

You’re a Putin apologist, I’d nearly have more respect for you now if you were man enough to just admit to it.

You arse. What would i be doing with respect from a harmless dolt like you?


It would be much more beneficial for you to try and develop some self respect than constantly crying because people laugh at you and your ignorance.

Undoubtedly in your case that would be best done offline, but also preferably away from any human contact.

Though I doubt the latter part will be a problem for you.

It won’t be long now lads.