Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

You really are strawmanning like mad here. Your breakdown in spelling and grammar suggests you are mashing away at the keyboard. You sit there trying to suggest you superior intellect by looking for nuance where there really isn’t any. Trying to nuance an invasion like this is digging in stony soil in any case. To accuse me of some kind of glee, or being a war pornographer is just throwing crude insult because you are angry because you are on the wrong side of this one. One doesn’t need to be Mary or the parish priest to absolutely condemn this russian invasion, with the resultant loss of life


Where did i look for nuance? I said there wasn’t any…just the logic of violence. Do i need to explain that.
If you want to see a straw man look at your sneaky introduction of condemnation of the invasion and loss of life…i grew up listening to rte, bbc, thatcher, bruton etc making high and mighty demands for condemnation of the ira while not giving a flying fuck about state actors, loyalism etc…essentially condoning one form of violence because its convenient to do so and impolite to do otherwise.
Playing the victim isn’t a great look here flatty…i spoke about the forum. And sorry about the spelling…and accusing you of “ear porn”

Russia has this morning slaughtered refugees fleeing for their lives at Kramatorsk railway station.

But for some narcissistic attention seekers here the most important thing is that the ghouls who did this have their “rights” “respected”.

At least 30 are dead.

Paul Murphy was nearly assassinated for standing but not clapping.

In its coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Al Mayadeen strictly follows the coverage guidelines published by the Russian State, with articles reflecting the general terms, storylines, and topics similar to those presented by Russian state media outlets to Russian audiences. For example, Al Mayadeen refers to the presence of Russian military within Ukraine as a “special military operation” rather than “invasion” or "war

@Thomas_Brady continuing to show himself up as a gobshite.

There’s tonnes of articles covering the story - I grabbed one.

Here you go @glasagusban - knock yourself out googling the political stance of each publication.

Glas, stonecold etc are the sort of lads who believe that you cant criticise churchill’s role in the bengal famine because to do so would be to support hitler.

Absolutely tonnes of them and yet you grabbed the Russian sponsored one you stupid stupid cunt :smiley:

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To follow your line of debate; Quote where I have stated that you cannot criticise Churchill’s role in the Bengali famine.

Putting up articles from sources which are pomulgating Russian disinformation should rightly be laughed off. You might as well put up an article from Sunday Sport FFS. E.g. a related article to the piece posted by @Thomas_Brady spreads the Russian claim that Azov are holding people hostage in maternity hospitals in Mariupol

But, but, but, @Thomas_Brady and @glenshane tell us the Nazi Genocide Paedophiles are the good guys.

The story is 100% correct, that’s all I’m concerned with… Are you denying it happened?

@glenshane , correct. If a paper with alleged Russian links stated that the earth travels around the sun, Glas and Stonecold wouldn’t believe it until The Guardian confirmed it for them.

That’s the kind of assimilated mind you’re dealing with here.

I see @Cheasty is gone off shrieking with more lies…

It’s truly hard to keep up with these headbangers


You’re a nazi now, bro? When did this happen?


."…the sort of lads who believe". I made a comparison for illustrative purposes. You demand a simplistic binary narrative and even if you could grasp more you’d be petrified to leave the herd.
I didn’t read the article about holding hostages, funnily enough a Ukrainian refugee interviewed on radio ulster said as much- it’sapityyouweren’tavailabletophonein and correct/admonish her. Its been reported elsewhere- exactly what standards of behaviour do you normally experct from self professed nazis?
I dont see why you can’t recognise that russians are the invaders and aggressors here while also having reservations about Ukrainian nazis. Churchill, benhal, hitler etc.

You’re sharing russian sponsored news sources. Are you not embarrassed by that? You’ve made a fool of yourself, stop digging you thick fuck.

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Why would I be embarrassed by the truth? It’s you who seems embarrassed here as you place style above substance. You lot are all the same, it’s about perception rather than the issue. It’s tragic viewing.

A known hub for evacuees, 99% of the casualties were women children and the elderly.
A war crime.

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You’re posting links to russian sponsored propaganda sites. Are you not embarrassed by how stupid you are to be consuming and reproducing anything from there? If nothing else it shows how bad your judgement is. Honestly, go take a break you stupid gullible fool.

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