Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

What a stupid post. Clearly Russia is the problem.

Your response to the problem is to shout Ra Ra Ra we - won’t give an inch - boots on the ground - go team America.

Your response is simplistic, wrong, stupid, arrogant and would definitely result in war, tens of thousands dead minimum and of course you telling everyone afterwards I told you so. Presumably you’d then be happy to be able to tell everyone on the internet you were right.

Your posts would indicate you think America is the problem, not Russia. I mean there you go again, blah blah blah. How is America responsible for this crisis? I’ll give you a clue. It isn’t.

“America”. Blah blah blah. Are you Mick Wallace?

Your ideology is “no war”. But that’s a meaningless buzzword. You have to have a strategy to stop war. And you have none. Your ideology is to just give the aggressor what it wants. That’s a not a strategy for anything except tyranny in Ukraine, and a complete emboldening of Russia in its quest to destroy democracy in Europe. It’s obvious you’ve never read anything about Putin, you treat him like a normal leader of a normal country. He is not. He is a potential Hitler. I mean Christ, have a look around you, his troops occupy six separate countries currently. He wages massive cyber attacks on other countries. He interferes in other countries’ elections and funds extremist groups in democratic countries to try and bring democracy elsewhere down. He has raped Russia of its resources, is almost certainly the richest man in the world as a result of him turning himself into the head a of mafia state, and murders opponents with impunity.

You don’t even understand that Ukraine has been arming itself and is desperate for western help.

You don’t understand any of this.

Ah now… They’ve been pumping money in and meddling in elections there since 2011 if not longer. You make a lot of pertinent points but America has been poking the bear through Ukraine for a number of years now. They’re not the sole reason but let’s not forget American imperialism is always at play.


What 6 countries does Russia occupy?

It is Russia who has been meddling in elections in Ukraine throughout its existence. Have you forgotten the poisoning of Viktor Yuschenko and the rigged election of 2004?

Putin bribed Yanukovych to not sign the EU Association Agreement of 2013 which had been democratically agreed and which Yanukovych had promised to sign. Then Yanukovych turned his guns on the peaceful protestors on the Maidan before fleeing into Putin’s bosom.

Then Russia tried to to fake the election results of 2014.

The people of Ukraine look on at western Europe and rightly see the model for what they want their own society to be - free and prosperous, and away from the Russian jackboot.

A free and prosperous democracy on Putin’s doorstep is kryptonite if he wants to continue to brainwash the Russian people. Brainwashing and fear are essential if you are a dictator who wants to keep power. And Putin knows he has to hobble democracy abroad too. There’s a reason people in East Germany wanted to get into West Germany.

There’s only one imperialism at play here - Russian imperialism.


You can probably throw Chechnya into the mix too. Putin blew his own people up as a fake pretext to crush Chechnyan resistance.

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How many countries does the US occupy by that definition?

Not defending Putin. He’s a cunt. But you are all over the shop here

You tell me, plus explainers for each.

All defenders of Putin say that.

You haven’t explained how I’m “all over the shop”.

Well by that lose definition of occupying.

They have 750 foreign military bases, UK=145; Russia = somewhere around 30; China = 8

How many US bases abroad exist against the wishes of the governments of those countries?

What nations does the US currently occupy illegally?

There’s plenty of scope to discuss US foreign policy in general on a separate thread, and I would argue the post World War II history of it, certainly as regards non-European matters, is not good.

But all that is irrelevant. It’s a red herring, a deflection tactic. The US has nothing to do with creating the Ukraine-Russia crisis.

One country and one country only is entirely to blame, and that is Russia. Russia refuses to recognise international borders and refuses to understand that it has no business occupying former Soviet countries.

I’d be reasonably sure that Russian boots are on the ground in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Syria with the blessing of the governments of those countries.


The west, mainly America, have been trying to make Ukraine into something they want for nearly a decade now, not necessarily what Ukrainians want. There’s been very little change in the country and you also have to remember that nearly half the country would consider themselves ethnic Russians . It’s not half as straight forward as you’re making out. You simply can’t ignore American attempts to westernize Ukraine as a cause of the conflict.

The “governments” of those countries are dictatorships. Assad butchered his own people, including with chemical weapons.

Lukashenko is a dictator who refused to recognise that he lost the election in 2020 and has invited Putin in because he knows Putin propping him up is the only way he can survive.

Kazakhstan is an effective dictatorship.

I wouldn’t disagree with any of that but nevertheless the recognised governments of those countries invited Russian troops in.

I don’t even think you believe that.

The US funded the Ukrainian revolution which indirectly led to the invasion of the East of the country in 2014.

That’s not a conspiracy. That’s facts printed by papers like the Guardian.

But you continually refuse to listen to what Ukrainians want. Ukrainians want to be part of the family of European nations and they want to be allied with the west.

Corruption in Ukraine thrives primarily as a result of Russian interference and patronage. You want to blame the people of Ukraine for this. The people of Ukraine are the victims of this corruption. You’re blaming the victims, not the perpetrators.

You think it is as straightforward as saying that Russian speakers in Ukraine are pro-Russian. A large majority of Russian speakers in Ukraine are anti-Russian interference in its affairs.

By your logic, everybody in Ireland speaks English, therefore we want to be part of the UK.

America has zero to do with the creation of this crisis and any attempt to claim it has is sloganeering and contrarianism of the very dumbest kind.

One Faroe Island would walk over you

That’s a very ignorant post.

You’re very naive godhelpus.