Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

What you call the “Ukrainian revolution” of 2004 was a democratic election.

The Maidan protests were peaceful and democratic and the Russian backed puppet Yanukovych turned his guns on the people.

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. You blame Ukraine for that. Do you also blame Poland for its invasion by the Nazis?

They are bad dictators they are Putins friends, meanwhile Kuwait, Turkey, Bahrain, Qatar etc etc etc they are good dictators so it’s okay for the US to have bases there.

Not to mention Guantanomo Bay and Diego Garcia.

Did the US fund it?

What is that to do with Ukraine?

No idea mate you were the one bringing Russias foreign interference in other countries into it. I was just pointing out the stupidity of it

What do you mean “did the US fund it”? Are you denying the reality of what happened? That the people of Ukraine wanted the EU Association Agreement?

Russia occupies part of Ukraine already and is threatening to occupy the rest of it. It occupies five other countries.

How is this not relevant?

The US is not threatening to invade Ukraine. So how is US foreign policy elsewhere relevant?

You said the US had nothing to do with the crisis. Yet they funded the revolution that led to it.

I’m delighted for the Ukrainians and their revolution and I couldn’t give a flying fuck if the Healys Raes funded it. I’m merely again pointing out the absolute nonsense you are posting.

Keep projecting.

They did not. If you want to just repeat Russian propaganda, at least admit it.

You haven’t made a single contribution of substance to the thread.

A dog with a mallet up his hole would make more sense on this than cheasty.

Sunday night can’t come quick enough for you, buddy. You’ve disappeared up the rabbit hole of your own arse.

I’ll leave you alone now mate. Sorry for coming in and disrupting your angry man yells at clouds act


Sorry, your analysis is complete nonsense. It isn’t me who is yelling at clouds claiming everything is US conspiracy.

Remember this? :grinning:


“Diplomacy”, eh.

It’s only been US foreign policy for the last 50/60 years :grinning:

It’s fierce racist how lads here think every move towards freedom and democracy in the former Warsaw Pact and Soviet states was a US active measure.

You can’t get much more racist than erasing the agency of people in deciding their own fate because you don’t like what they want.

I’ve given you one. Talks. You don’t have the patience for for it. You are too absolutist in your views to be capable of engaging them anyway. Your “strategy” is the opposite, it’s escalation. “Deterrence” I think you keep saying. That’s what Liz Truss says she told the Russians too. That’s your level.

No, you do. You arrogantly mouth on about what Ukrainians want while advocating the exact opposite of what they are currently saying. Because you are too arrogant to listen because you know best. And you’re more than happy for tens of thousands of Ukrainians to die in defence of your principles.

Everything you suggest is escalation. Ukraine wants deescalation, talks, negotiation, peaceful solutions. You’re too thick and arrogant to want any of that. “We need boots on the ground”. You’re a warmongering gobshite.

And whatever happens at the end of it all you’ll be here to say I told you so.

Have you confused which virtue you are signalling? I think you meant to call me a fascist

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Again, you’re not listening.

Ukraine wants arms. Do you think the west is right to arm Ukraine?

Do you think the Ukrainians should fight if and when the rest of their country is invaded? Ukraine has given a firm answer here. They will fight.

You continually refuse to answer these questions.

You continue to shout “diplomacy”. When asked what you think would be diplomatically “acceptable” to Russia, you gave a one word answer.

That wasn’t an answer.

Spell out, in clear unambiguous terms, what you think would be “acceptable” to the war mongerers of Russia.

Something which would not not sell Ukraine down the river.